Yarntown is a 2D remake similar to Zelda from Bloodborne

Bloodborne it’s a dark and difficult Action RPG set in a highly detailed 3D world. Yarntown, a free standalone game released yesterday, is part of that world and reinvents it as a colorful top-down game, ZeldaInspirational adventure.

Developed by Max Mraz, Yarntown was built using the Solarus motor and it’s a new colorful version of Central Yharnam from 2015 Bloodborne. It even includes some boss fights from that area of ​​the original FromSoftware RPG.

Combat in Yarntown It’s not as difficult or complex as the action in Bloodborne, but the little game includes dodging scrolls, resistance, mercury bullets, and blood jar mechanics. You can even upgrade weapons in Hunter’s Dream, which has also been recreated.

While Yarntown not an exact replica of Central Yarnham, it has many of the same shortcuts and enemies including mad dogs, hunters and as mentioned above both bosses of this part of Bloodborne.

If you want to play Yarntown, now available for free at Itch.io.
