Xbox Live Gold has canceled annual subscriptions on the website

It looks like there could be some changes in the works for Microsoft’s Xbox Live Gold program, as the company has discontinued one-year subscription plans. As of now, only monthly and quarterly Xbox Live Gold subscriptions are available on the Microsoft website, and this change was not accidental.

As confirmed by Microsoft to True Achievements, the company has officially removed the 12-month plan from Xbox Live Gold. They were available for $ 60, while one-month plans are $ 10 and three-month plans are $ 25. Because of this, it will apparently cost around $ 100 to get a year of Xbox Live Gold now, which is a little less than a Game Pass Ultimate subscription that includes one year of Xbox Live Gold with one year of Xbox Game Pass.

Xbox Game Pass has been one of the best values ​​in games since its launch in 2017, and now it receives all the games from Microsoft the same day of its official launch. It will also include access to the xCloud Project starting this fall, but Microsoft had not given any indication that it would walk away from the Xbox Live Gold program. By increasing the price of the service, you could encourage more people to just jump into Game Pass.

An Xbox Live Gold subscription is required to play online games for Xbox One, just like PlayStation Plus on PS4. The service’s Games With Gold program also gives away four free games per month, including Xbox 360 backwards compatible and original Xbox titles.

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