X-Men function analyzes your difficult path

X Men presents glances on his difficult path

An extensive new THR feature film released today enters the making of the first “X-Men” movie just over twenty years ago, the movie that helped usher in a new era of superhero movies and made a career for itself. by Bryan Singer.

More specifically, the piece falls into the horror stories of the first and second movie sets ranging from Singer’s behind-the-scenes behavior leading to a cast mutiny after a stunt that went wrong, to disaster on how it turned out. the script for the first movie. together and the drama that followed there.

According to the report, producer Tom DeSanto asked to close a stunt scene on “X2” with DeSanto for fear that someone might be injured since Singer was apparently disabled. Singer continued shooting and uploaded an action scene without a stunt coordinator present, resulting in a “failed stunt that left [Hugh] Jackman bleeding on camera “.

The next day, when the studio “seemed to be on Singer’s side” and Singer told DeSanto to return to Los Angeles, much of the cast in costume converged on Singer’s trailer and confronted him, threatening to resign if DeSanto left, a meeting in which the famous Halle Berry phrase “You can kiss my black butt” was apparently pronounced.

Then there are the problems in the writer’s room. Ed Solomon, Christopher McQuarrie and Joss Whedon were hired to work on the script in points with all but two lines of Whedon’s work. Voice actor David Hayter was hired to secretly write new scenes for the script, and ultimately there was accreditation and other issues that led to Hayter earning the only script credit for a Singer and DeSanto story, even when McQuarrie and Solomon “yielded less than $ 1 million the first year in residuals and credit bonds … it’s unheard of,” says Hayter.

The report also shows that studio executives and producers admit that Singer was allowed to continue working with the franchise despite numerous incidents of bad or erratic behavior with a saying: “His behavior was poor in the movie. We accommodate it in the first movie, and therefore we can accommodate it in the second movie. And so on. And created a monster. “

For the full story, head over to The Hollywood Reporter