WWE SummerSlam: Asuka wins Sasha Banks’ Raw Women’s Championship

In her second match of the night, Asuka challenged Sahsa Banks to the Raw Women’s Championship. Earlier in the night, Bayley held her SmackDown Women’s Championship thanks to the help of Banks. Asuka’s leg was sore when this match went on and the announcers pointed out that she was going to a disadvantage this match.

Banks worked on Asuka’s leg to start the match. Asuka fought back, but things turned around again when Asuka missed a kick and eventually hit the ring post. Banks followed with a sunset on the floor of the fork.

Back in the ring, Asuka took a nasty kick in the face, but she was able to kick out of the pin attempt. Asuka turned things around with a face slam and ankle lock and a DDT of the upper turnbuckle. Asuka also hit a missile drop kick from the top, but Banks stepped out of the pin attempt. A moment later, Asuka locked in the Asuka Lock, but Banks kept fighting and she rolled into a cover and then the Banks Statement, but Asuka rolled out and back into the Asuka Lock. Banks broke out, but Asuka hit a kick to the stomach. Asuka accused, but Banks moved and Asuka hit Bayley and knocked her off the ring. Sasha went for Banks Statement but Asuka got the Asuka Lock to win the title.

Tom Phillips notes that Bayley did not sacrifice himself as Banks did earlier in the first game.

Click here for full results of WWE SummerSlam.