Wow, Trump didn’t know that darling floats

When you really think you are the smartest person in the room, you say and do very stupid things.

Some Trump classics I remember:

Little did anyone know that health care would be so complicated!

Can’t we just filter out the hurricane?

A friend of mine told me; Who knew there were so many countries?

Can’t we just inject bleach and clean the inside of the lungs? Or use UV light on the inside to kill the virus? Can we pay attention to that?

On national TV, Trump proudly claims that he “asses” the cognitive test as if it were a test of intelligence! In reality it is a test designed to be so simple that only people with severe cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s thoughts) experience difficulty.

Using Sharpe to re-draw the hurricane track proves he is going where he said he would.

To suggest that countries like Finland cut down their forests. And U.S. Should also.

He openly admitted that he thought Finland was part of Russia.

He said Belgium was a beautiful city.

While meeting with the leaders of the Baltic nations, he introduced them to the Balkans.

While discussing building a wall on the Mexican border, he talked about the Colorado border section!

Recently, Trump claimed that once we achieve the mob mentality we will do with the virus!

There are too many so I can move on, but you get the picture. Wondering why so many people outside the US think he’s a clown?