Wounded 3 of the subway drillment, officials say

Three people sustained minor injuries after a north-bound collision on Sunday morning, with a train being thrown over the track and hit on an alleged struck budget, officials said.

One passenger was moved to the hospital and two others were assessed and denied transportation, the fire department said. Thirty passengers were evacuated.

Sarah E., interim president of New York City Transit. FeinbergThe train “came in contact with the debris of the road” around 8:15 a.m. as it was being pulled toward the 14th Street station, causing a one-wheeled track to be abandoned, he said.

It caused power outages on all four tracks and left a northbound train in a tunnel near 34th Street. The passengers aboard the train were safely evacuated.

Police spokesman Adam Navarro said authorities suspect someone threw something on the train tracks, which caused the accident, police department spokesman Adam Navarro said. Officials said police nabbed a 300-year-old man believed to be homeless and mentally ill.

There are widespread delays in Manhattan, Ms. Feinberg said. Service on one of the trains south of 14th Street has been suspended and there is no northbound service from Canal Street to 59th Street-Columbus Circle along Eighth Avenue.

Uptown Manhattan and the Bronx have limited service. All north direction A, C, D, E and F trains are being rearranged.

Ashley Southall contributed to the reporting.