Workhorse USPS after losing delivery truck contract. Met with representatives of, he will follow the options

Workhorse Group Inc. WKHS,
On Thursday, he said he met with U.S. Postal Service representatives in March to discuss why electric vehicle maker Okkosh Corp missed a next-generation delivery vehicle contract awarded to OSK.
Varghores said he would not disclose details of the discussion at this time, but said he plans to share information when approval is granted. The stock plunged more than 7.7% from its one-month low in the afternoon. USPS Workers’ stock fell 47.47% on February 23 after losing the contract. Put on the track. Chief Executive Duane Hughes said the UPS It marks the first step we expect, exploring our options and possibly moving forward with further action related to our NGDV bidding. “We will continue to follow the appropriate course procedures as set out by USPS and will also look at other options available to us.” He said legal and corporate consulting firms have been retained to identify and advance its options. Shares of Workhorse have fallen 39.0% in the last three months, while shares of Oshkosh have risen 26.9% and the S&P 500 SPX has risen.
