About 570 students have been withdrawn from the University of Colorado Boulder since the start of the fall semester – more than double the number remaining last year – amid rising cases of Sequidus-19, a rapidly changing learning environment and quarantine orders.
Aug Gust. Between 24 and Thursday, 392 consecutive students and 177 first-year students returned from CU Boulder. During the same period in 2019, 172 continued students and 113 first-year students returned, Campus spokeswoman Melanie Mercury said.
At the beginning of the semester, 6,931 students were living in non-campus housing and CU’s Bear Creek apartments. In the last two months, when the case was pending, 437 students had canceled their campus accommodation contracts, with 215 students withdrawing altogether and 19 out, but the rest were registered, Parra said.
University officials on Friday said they did not yet know how much financial toll would be levied on the withdrawal campus, which has seen a budget of million 2 million this year compared to the previous year, largely due to Covid-1. Enrollment of fewer students than expected has forced the campus to cut budgets for the entire fall.
C.U. Freshman enrollment at Boulder dropped 12.3% from 7,113 students to 6,235 compared to last year, according to the September CU budget presentation.
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