With less than a month to go before the election, Trump is leaning on Barrow and Pompeo for a lift.

WASHINGTON – President Trump on Friday pushed the State Department to pledge to release at least some of Hillary Clinton’s emails ahead of next month’s election, reviving the four-year-old issue in the hope that it would be as helpful to his political prospects as he was in 2016. Was defeated.

Eager to go through the polls badly and change the subject from coronavirus, Mr. Trump succeeded in forcing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to announce that Attorney General William P. The bar had to resist pressure from the president to take action. Former Vice President Joseph R. Democrats like Biden Jr., the Democratic candidate this year.

Still recovering from his own coronavirus infection, Mr. Trump planned to host hundreds of supporters at the White House’s South Los Angeles on Saturday, as he tested positive last week, according to three people familiar with the schedule. His campaign was announced on Monday instead of the rally he said would be held in Florida on Saturday, as the president insists on getting back on the road despite his illness.

Activity Make double-digit voting deficit against Mr. Baden before the November 2001 election. The rest of the day is reflected in an explosion of activity and actions to capture the President. Mr Biden’s lead has been steady for months, and if anything, despite every effort by the president to change the pace of the race, has expanded in recent days.

On Friday he missed one of the few clear opportunities to change the dynamics of the campaign when the president refused to participate from afar after these discussions on the presidency formally canceled a second showdown between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden on Thursday.

Fed up with October’s surprise that Mr. Trump did not live up to expectations – 213,000 people were hospitalized with the virus in the United States – the president on Friday appeared intent on creating more October surprises in his choice, in which case Democrats should use government power tools Is.

He publicly gave a badge to Mr. Bair this week, blaming Mr. Baird, specifically Mr. Biden and former President Barack Obama, for blaming Democrats involved in the investigation into Russian interference in the 201st election and any connection to Mr. Trump’s campaign. But Mr Barrow has told Republicans and others he has not planned any major steps in his re-investigation of Russia ahead of election day.

The three government officials said briefly about the investigation that they had been told by Mr. Burr that public prosecutor John H. had led the investigation. Durham will present an indictment or any other development that could affect the course of the election. 3 Nov.

“I’m very disappointed if this is the case,” Mr. Trump said during a two-hour phone conversation with radio host Rush Limboho on Friday. “I think it’s a terrible thing and I’ll say it on his face.”

The president waited months for the Durham investigation to provide him with evidence that Russia’s investigation was an attempt to make him hostile. He has told advisers he hopes to accuse the Obama administration’s former national security officials or even Mr. Obama or Mr. Biden. Briefly, he hoped for a report with Justice Department officials that gave details of his actions in 2016, with people briefing on the conversation.

In addition to his public remarks, the president has also conveyed a message to Mr. Barrow directly and through surrogates that he wants “scalps,” according to two government officials familiar with the conversation.

The Justice Department declined to comment on the president’s remarks.

Mr. Barr, while rejecting the President’s desire for pre-election action, bowed to Mr. Trump’s wishes a day after Mr. Pompeo publicly disciplined the Secretary of State for not cooperating. Mr. Pompeo told Fox News that he would release at least some of Mrs. Clinton’s emails when he was secretary of state and using a private server.

“We have received emails,” Mr Pompeo said. “We take them out. We’re going to get all this information out so Americans can see it. “

He made no attempt to suggest that he was not involved in a political campaign to free her. He added, “As fast as we can,” “I’m sure there will be more to see before the election.”

Neither Mr. Trump nor Mr. Pompeo have made it clear why they would publish the emails now, if they could have done so at any stage in the four years, so in the final week of the contested presidential campaign. Nor did they explain why they wanted to prove that Mrs. Clinton was much more common than classified information emails by releasing classified information emails.

But Mr. Pompeo said he does not expect Mr. Trump to release any documents that may contain sensitive information that could harm American interests once it is made public. Mr Pompeo said: “We will get the information we need. “We will do it in a way that protects the sources of intelligence that need to be protected.”

When Mr. Pompeo registered his name as a Republican congressman in Kansas, using Mrs. Clinton as an excuse over the e-mail issue, the State Department under his leadership concluded last year that when she risked compromising with classified information, Did not. That.

The FBI refused to recommend charges against Mrs. Clinton in 2016 but did announce her decision, contributing to her political liability. Eventually she had to spend the last days of the campaign when the investigation was resumed shortly after the search for emails on the assistant’s neighbor’s husband’s laptop and then quickly shut down again when no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

Despite defeating Mrs. Clinton four years ago, Mr. Trump and his staunch allies continued to be obsessed with her emails. Leading the charge is the conservative group Judicial Watch, which has repeatedly sued for pressuring the State Department to hand over Mrs. Clinton’s server emails, including her relationship with Mr. Obama.

Although Mr. Trump is the head of the executive branch and has long said he wants to disclose the emails, the government has refused to provide these emails to the Judiciary and Watch Chan, arguing that they contain classified or privileged content. This has angered many of Mr. Trump’s allies, especially critics on Fox News.

The head of the Judiciary, Tom Fitt, directly lobbied Mr. Trump at the Oval Office to force the State Department to release more of Mrs. Clinton’s emails in a timely fashion.

“The Trump State Department is more obstructive than the State Department under the Obama administration,” Mr. Fitt said in a telephone interview. The president seems to be upset that the president and the Justice Department are still defending Clinton’s misconduct.

Mr. Pompeo has been the most outwardly loyal of the President’s top advisers. He has campaigned openly for Mr. Trump, including during his official diplomatic visit to Jerusalem, from where he addressed the Republican National Convention.

Critics said Mr. Trump has always made it clear that he thinks the Justice Department meets his political needs.

“Attorney General Barrow, at times, presents himself as a willing participant in politicization,” said Carrie Cordoro, general adviser to the Center for New American Security and former national security attorney for the Department of Justice. “They arrived at this place because the president expects his subordinates to turn completely to his wishes.”

Extremely alert to the news that his health was not as good as his colleagues said earlier in the week and eager to return to the campaign, Mr. Trump has been eating a consistent medium of comfortable food in recent days, making it much softer. Interviews with some of his supporting media personalities. Interviews have also served as a way for the President to attract the attention of supporters when he was otherwise excluded.

After two telephone interviews with Fox Networks on Thursday, he appeared for two hours on a radio show hosted by Mr. Limboho on Friday, which Mr. Trump gave independence with the Presidential Medal this year.

The event was described as a virtual rally, filled with Mr. Trump’s typical walkout song, “God Bless the USA,” and Mr. Limbo tried to build the kind of prayer that the rallies offered to the president.

“We love you!” Mr. Limbohe said.

Mr Trump has admitted he was not in “great shape” when he contracted the coronavirus. He then said something that contradicted earlier claims that he thought he could get better even without medication: after his treatment, including an experimental antibody cocktail produced by Regeneron, “I recovered immediately,” Mr. Trump said. “I can’t recover from covid at all without drugs,” he added.

He acknowledged the “delayed” effects of the virus affecting his voice, although it remained stable for two hours – but the president continued to talk, eventually cutting off Mr Limbo.

The White House plans to quell Mr. Trump’s desire for a personal program as soon as possible by giving a spin to a man already held elsewhere in Washington on Saturday by Candice Owens, a black supporter of the president who has urged black voters to bid farewell. Democratic Party.

Mr. Trump is to greet supporters of one of the White House balconies, away from his audience, people close to the plan said. All attendees were required to wear a mask on the complex as well as submit for a temperature check and fill out a questionnaire.

But many Trump aides have privately expressed concern about the message the program sends and what Mr. Trump may be saying to the crowd.

At a meeting after the Republican National Convention, where the president delivered an admissible speech to supporters on the South Lan – many of whom were not tested – he joked about the agitation the president had made among his critics about how they could be. Using the White House grounds for political purposes violates the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from participating in political activities while on the job. He said he thinks he will do more of this.

He introduced the idea of ​​staging events and concerts on South Lan every week until election day. He was half joking, but half interested in the idea, aides said.

Reported by Peter Baker, Katie Banner, Lara Jacques and Michael S. Schmidt and Washington from Washington, and Maggie Heberman from New York. Karni and Nicholas Fendo of Karn contributed to the report from Washington.