Why you need to start strength training today

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health and lifestyle report.

The aging process affects the human body in many ways. One thing that happens to all of us as we age is muscle loss.

Some experts say that muscle loss begins around age 50. But others say it can start as early as age 30.

The Harvard Health Publishing website notes that “after age 30, you start to lose about three to five percent” of muscle every 10 years. They add that most “men will lose about 30% of their muscle mass during their lives. “

Experts may not know exactly when muscle loss begins. But they do know this: Being inactive can speed up the process.

Now the good news!

The lost muscles are not gone forever. Although muscle loss can be a natural part of aging, you can do a few things to stop it. It is best to start building muscles when you are younger and in good health. But it is never too late to start strength training.

But what exactly is “strength training”?

Simply put, strength training is any activity that builds muscle. We will talk about those exercises a little later. But first, let’s talk about something about health Benefits strength training. This information comes from the Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit health and research organization in the United States.

Here are reasons to start your strength training today.

Circus acrobats performed in Florida in 1953. (AP Photo)

Circus acrobats performed in Florida in 1953. (AP Photo)

Build strong bones

Researchers from Harvard University say that strength training puts pressure on the bones. And that is a good thing. This pressure can increase the thickness or density of the bones. This can reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease that weakens bones and makes them easier to break.

Osteoporosis affects men and women of all races. But the Mayo Clinic notes that “white and Asian women, especially older women who have passed menopause – are at greatest risk. “

Manage your weight

Strength training can help you control your weight and even lose it. Muscle weighs more than fat. But the muscle increases your metabolismand a higher metabolism helps you burn more calories.

Improve your quality of life

Strength training can improve your ability to perform daily activities. For example, having stronger muscles makes it easier to lift and move things.

Strong muscles can improve your balance. Therefore, your risk of falling or injury may decrease. As we age, this can greatly increase your quality of life.

Manage long-term health conditions.

Experts say that strength training can reduce problems from many chronic, or long-term, disorders, such as arthritis, back pain, heart disease, diabetes, and depression.

Improve your thinking skills

The Mayo Clinic says some research shows that regular strength training, when combined with other types of exercise, can help older adults think and learn better.

This man works out in the gym with weight training machines at the Paris Saint-Germain Training Center, Paris, May 5, 2018. (Twitter / PSG)

This man works out in the gym with weight training machines at the Paris Saint-Germain Training Center, Paris, May 5, 2018. (Twitter / PSG)

Strength training equipment

The resistance material is rubbery. When you pull it, it gives your muscles resistance. There are many types of resistance material. They don’t cost much and are often sold at sporting goods stores.

Free weights, commonly used in strength training, are hand weights. They are not connected to exercise equipment; so we call them “free”. We also call them weights or dumbbells. If you don’t have free weights, you can use any heavy object that is safe to lift.

Many gyms and health clubs have weight-lifting or resistance machines. Some people also buy these machines and install them at home. But they can cost a lot of money.

Working with free weights or weight lifting machines can be more risky. If you’re new to weight training, experts suggest working with a coach or fitness specialist. In this way, you will learn the correct way to move and avoid injury.

The Mayo Clinic has this warning for those who want to start weight training. Its experts say you should speak to your doctor before you start if:

  • have a chronic illness,
  • are over 40 years old and
  • has not been active recently

If you use weights, how much should you use? The correct amount should tire the muscles after 12 to 15 repetitions. You can slowly increase the amount as it gets stronger.

Also listen to your body. If an exercise causes pain, stop it. Experts say that after the pain goes away, you can try exercising again, but at a lower weight.

Without strength training equipment

You don’t have to wear special exercise equipment or go to a Gym do strength training. You can use your own body weight as resistance.

Exercises that use body weight as resistance are usually safer for beginners. They can also be easier on the body and you can do it anywhere. Lizards, planks poses, jumps, side jumps and squats or Deep knee push-ups – These are great exercises to build muscle.

This core exercise is the advanced version of Plank Pose.  (VOA Learning English / Adam Brock)

This core exercise is the advanced version of Plank Pose. (VOA Learning English / Adam Brock)

To warm

Experts also suggest warming up before strength training. Cold muscles injure more easily than warm ones. Walking for five to 10 minutes is enough to warm up the muscles.

And give your muscles time to recover. They say rest a full day between exercising each specific muscle group.

Food also plays a role

And don’t forget that some foods help you build muscle. The body breaks down proteins into amino acids, which you use to build muscle. So, experts say, eat a little healthy protein with every meal – foods like chicken, salmon, beans, and yogurt.

And that’s the Health and lifestyle Report for this week.

I am Jonathan Evans

And I am Anna Matteo.

Anna Matteo wrote this story for VOA Learning English using various websites, including the Mayo Clinic and the Harvard Medical School and the Cleveland Clinic. The publisher was George Grow.

Quiz: why you need to start strength training today

Quiz: why you need to start strength training today

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Words in this story

benefit – n. a good or useful result or effect

menopause – n. the moment in a woman’s life when she stops menstruating

metabolism – n. The chemical processes by which a plant or an animal uses food and water to grow, heal, and produce energy.

calorie – n. A unit of heat used to indicate the amount of energy that food will produce in the human body

repetition – n. a movement or exercise (such as a lizard) that is repeated and usually counted

Gym – n. sport and exercise taught as a subject at school

squat – n. A position where the knees are bent and the body is lowered so that it is close to the heels or sitting on the heels.

plank pose – n. A plank pose is a floor exercise. Place your hands (or forearms) and toes on the floor. This will support your body weight. Her elbows are directly below her shoulders. Your body is straight as a plank of wood. Make sure your head and neck are also straight while looking at the floor.

amino acids – n. biology: any of the many acids that occur naturally in living things and that include some that make proteins
