Why weren’t Prince William and Kate Middleton at Princess Beatrix’s wedding?

At this point, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are practically bridal party professionals. The two older Cambridge boys have served as pagers and bridesmaids in a series of nuptials, both royal and civil in recent years, making their absence from the wedding portraits of Princess Beatrice particularly remarkable.

Princess Eugenie of York marries Mr. Jack Brooksbank

George and Charlotte served as bridal attendants at Princess Eugenie’s wedding in 2018.

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It is unclear whether Prince William, Kate and their three children were present to hear Beatrice and her fiancé Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi say “Yes, I want” on Friday in Windsor. Buckingham Palace has not shared many details about the event publicly, and photos of the celebration were only released tonight. But according to a recent statement, it is likely that Will, Kate, and their children were not there.

“The couple decided to hold a small private ceremony with their parents and siblings following the postponement of their wedding in May,” the note says. “Working within government guidelines, the service met unique circumstances and allowed them to celebrate their wedding with their closest family.”

Previously, the palace had announced: “The small ceremony was attended by the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and a close family. The wedding was carried out in accordance with all relevant government guidelines.”

queen elizabeth costume

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip attended the wedding and present themselves alongside the newlyweds (well, about 6 feet away) in a socially distanced portrait.

Benjamin Wheeler

In addition, a source close to the couple confirmed to Country Country that less than 20 people had been invited to the service.

But don’t worry: Princess Beatriz was not without assistants: Wolfie, Mozzi’s son from a previous relationship, played the role of page boy during the ceremony and served as his father’s godfather.

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