When you see the dynamics in a nearby alley you walk down the city street in the evening – a brownish-brown rush and the surrounding point ears for dinner. As you get closer, you realize that it is one Coyote. But coyotes are larger than the average city animal, such as rats, squirrels and pigeons, so what do these predators do in big cities from Los Angeles to New York City, and how can they survive?
Coyotes (Canis latrines) Was used only in the prairies and deserts of central and western North America. But in the 1800s, the amount of land exposed by European Americans and other immigrants transformed the landscape through extensive logging and agricultural development. This led to more open housing in the eastern states, and the coyotes relocated, expanding their home range. At the same time, the men tried to exterminate Wolf And CougarsFood competition for coyotes has declined, according to Kathleen Carvin, program associate of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Program at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Coyotes U.S. Spread in, and as humans expanded their cities, coyotes learned to adapt to their new urban pits. “It’s difficult to estimate how many coyotes live in a given area at any given time,” Carvin told LiveScience in an email. “But we know that some coyotes are rich in urban environments because they can take advantage of a small portion of the habitat and they don’t like what to eat.”
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Kervin and his colleagues recently published one Report About New Jersey Coyotes. These eastern coyotes are sometimes called coyolvols or coydogs because they interfere with wolves and dogs at the same time. However, this combination happened many generations ago, and today coyotes have their own kind.
Coyotes are the part The Kennedy family, Including wolves, dogs and Fox. Coyotes can grow up to the size of a medium-sized dog weighing about 20 to 50 kg. (9 to 23 kg), Living science previously reported. Coyotes are very versatile, they are a valuable asset when trying to make a big city.
In urban environments, coyotes prefer pieces of woody and bushy habitat, as well as parks and golf courses, where they can find shelter away from people, Cervin said. They are not particularly agitated about where they usually sleep for the night, in the open or under a canopy of vegetation.
Coyotes are social animals and are also known as cities, packed in pairs or family groups. Paxes are usually composed of an alpha male and female pair and their close relatives, According to the Cook County Coyote Project In Illinois. However, coyotes usually travel alone or in loose pairs, unlike wolf packs, and they can also be solitary.
During the coyote breeding season, from January to March, the mating pair will retreat into a cliff to raise their cubs. “Dan sites are usually pre-existent such as hollow out logs, another animal found in abandoned burrows or rocky cravies and can be very difficult. [for humans] Also to find in urban areas, “Kervin said.” Coyotes can also use den sites in buildings and near roads or in parking lots, according to the Cook County Coyote Project.
The urban environment often provides coyotes with similar types of food that are available in more natural settings. Most of their diet is made up of rats, Rabbits, Fruit and Deer, According to Carvin. However, urban coyotes can also take advantage of food left by humans, which can lead to conflict.
“Coyotes will lose people’s fear if they start associating people with associates of food like litter, small pets or livestock or external pets,” Carovin said. This simple meal naturally makes the shy coyote darker and can show aggression towards people.
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Coyote attacks on humans are unusual, but they do occur occasionally. For example, before the animal was captured on March 12 and maimed, a coyote attacked and injured five people in the San Francisco Bay Area in February, including a 3-year-old girl. San Francisco Chronicle Report.
People are often divided about whether this wild predator coexists or ends up. For example, a neighborhood in Seattle erupted in 2016 after the federal agency Wildlife Services killed three members of the Coyote family (a mom, dad and three cubs). According to Seattle-based radio station KUOW.
Coyotes will go out of their way to avoid people. They are naturally pawned and most active in the evening. However, this Cook County Coyote Project And others have found that coyotes increase their activity at night in urban areas when there are fewer people around. Many urban species do this to avoid humans and traffic. Coyotes will also take advantage of daylight hours, however, so that townspeople are not afraid to see them during the day According to the Woodland Park Zoo In Seattle.
The easiest way to stop coyotes from becoming more familiar with people, and therefore reducing the likelihood of aggression, is to stop feeding them intentionally or unintentionally, Kevin said. “Also, if you see a coyote in your neighborhood that doesn’t run, it’s best to wave your hand or shout at it, reinforcing people’s fears.”
Carvin added that if the coyote becomes aggressive, you should call the police or animal control immediately.
Published on Original Living Science.