Why a face mask is needed even if you get the Covid-19 vaccine

While this development marks a historic moment and is very promising, it does not mean that Americans can stop wearing masks anytime soon. CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Lena Wayne, an emergency therapist and visiting professor at George & Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, explains why.

CNN: Does the vaccine protect people from getting Covid-19? If so, how do I still wear a mask?

Wayne: This is a good question! It is important to be clear about what we know and what we do not know about what the vaccine does. What we do know is that the Pfizer vaccine is very effective in preventing symptomatic disease and serious illness. This means that the vaccine appears to protect people from the disease so that they can develop symptoms, and most importantly, it prevents people from getting such a serious illness that they have to come to the hospital. This is really great news.

Here’s what the study doesn’t show yet. They did not pay attention to whether the vaccine prevented anyone from carrying Covid-19 and spreading it to others. It is possible that someone could get the vaccine but it could still be an asymptomatic carrier. They may not show symptoms, but they have the virus in their nasal passages so if they speak, breathe, sneeze, and they can infect others.

This is the main reason why we cannot stop wearing masks only after getting vaccinated. This vaccine will protect you from the disease and then you will be admitted to the hospital. But it is possible that you can still carry the virus and be contagious to others. So those who get vaccinated should still wear masks and practice physical distance.

CNN: Does that mean we need to wear masks in public from now on?

Wayne: No, not forever, but for a while. It is estimated that 50 percent of Americans must be vaccinated. That is the point where people have enough immunity that the virus will not spread further.

According to the new CDC guidelines, we are choosing the best mask to protect you and others

This means that about 230 million Americans must be vaccinated. This will take time to produce many vaccines – and remember that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are two-dose vaccines, so you need to double the number of doses as people. The vaccine should then be distributed and actually given to the people. If all goes well, the best estimate is that for most Americans the vaccination will be in late spring or early summer. At the time, we could probably see each other without masks – but not before.

CNN: Can the pace of this time be faster?

Wayne: Already, vaccine development has progressed at an incredible pace. The fastest vaccine was developed before the epidemic was four years old. We now have the vaccine in less than a year.

How fast we reach the flock’s immunity depends on the formation, distribution, and willingness of the American people to be vaccinated. One concern is that many Americans cannot get the vaccine even though it is available. We need a thoughtful public education campaign tailored to different communities.

And we all need help! When it’s your turn, please get vaccinated. Help spread the word and explain to your family and friends the importance of vaccines to save lives and end this epidemic.

CNN: What about people who can’t be vaccinated? Do they need to wear a mask?

Wayne: For now, everyone needs to continue wearing masks. There will be a number of individuals who cannot be vaccinated. Initially, children will not be able to get the vaccine, as it has not yet been tested on children. It is also possible that there are some medical conditions that make it possible for some people not to get the vaccine, or that the vaccine is less effective for them. That’s why the rest of the people have to get vaccinated to save them. Animal Husbandry Immunity is also called community immunity: everyone in the community is vaccinated to protect themselves.

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That’s why we also wear masks. We do it to protect ourselves and others. Remember that even after we get vaccinated we can spread the virus to others. Also, the vaccine is very effective but it is not 100%. The mask still protects you.

CNN: Will you still wear a mask after you get vaccinated?

Wayne: Yes. I will do this to protect others, and to protect myself. Here’s another way of thinking about the importance of wearing a mask. The vaccine protects you if the virus reaches your nose and mouth. Your body is susceptible to the virus, and instead of the virus attacking your body, it kicks your body’s immune system and gets rid of the virus.

It is very important to prevent the virus from reaching your body in the first place. Wearing a mask makes it happen. So does the physical distance. These are really important steps to prevent you from getting coronavirus and infecting others.

You will definitely see masks worn by health care workers, who will be among the first groups to receive the vaccine. This vaccine is an important level of protection for us, but we will use these and other measures to protect ourselves and those around us.

CNN: U.S. With the highest level of covid case numbers in, the vaccine may not come even for a moment. U.S. Although only a small percentage of the population has received the vaccine to begin with, it seems that most people will not directly enjoy the benefits of this first rollout, right?

Wayne: Absolutely. It’s really amazing that we have a vaccine that seems 95% effective and very safe. We will end the epidemic. But this will take time. The initial allocation of vaccines will reach only 1% of the population. It will take time to scale up to 70%.

We should all continue to follow the precautions, we will all talk to: wear a mask. Keep physical distance. Avoid indoor gatherings. Wash your hands

I’ll add one more: Get it when it’s your turn to get vaccinated. We can get through this winter, and spring and summer are very promising.
