Who is Tyler Cameron dating?

  • High school’s Tyler Cameron was seen grabbing pizza with a “mystery woman” called the internet.
  • Tyler last confirmed that he was single in April.

    Hello everyone at Bachelor Nation who is wondering what about Tyler Cameron’s relationship status – a little update for you guys. First Bachelorette party A star was seen having a slice of pizza with a “mystery woman” and now certain thirsty corners of the Internet are here assuming he is in a relationship.

    Tyler Cameron


    Before jumping to conclusions, the last time Tyler was seen with a “mystery woman”, she turned out to be his neighbor, and they were literally just dating as friends. You know how people do all the time?

    “Some neighbors were running sprints, you go to school and play sports with Ryan,” he said. “I challenged them to some sprints. After our training and we talked a little … from a distance. But it seems they like to jump to conclusions especially without any real context, so I thought about giving them the context. Now I’m going to clean my house for all the moms on Facebook. Have a nice day.”

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    Meanwhile, Tyler confirmed that he was single in April (amid all speculation that he was dating Hannah Brown), saying, “No, I’m not dating anyone,” in response to a fan. There you have it I guess!

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