White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows: “We’re not controlling the epidemic.”

“We’re not going to control the epidemic. We’re going to control the fact that we have vaccines, therapeutic and other preventive areas,” Meadows told CNN’s Jack Tapper on “State of the Union.”

Remarks by President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff that cases of coronavirus are on the rise across the United States and that the administration continues to ignore the advice of government health experts to wear masks, social distance and gather in large numbers to prevent the spread of the virus. The White House is also facing another possible virus outbreak after at least five people in Pence’s inner circle tested positive in recent days.

The tapper pressed that the U.S. Why not control the epidemic, Meadows said: “Because it’s a contagious virus like the flu.” He added that the Trump administration was “making efforts to accommodate him.”

“What we need to do is make sure we have the right mitigation factors, whether it’s therapy or vaccines or treatments to make sure people don’t die from this,” Meadows said.

The U.S. recorded the second-highest number of new cases on Saturday, with nearly 84,000 Americans infected with the deadly virus. As of Sunday, the U.S. There were at least 8,575,000 cases of coronavirus in India, and at least 224,800 Americans have died from the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Pence to continue the campaign

But as concerns grow that more people around the vice president may test positive in the coming days, Pence, who heads the White House coronavirus task force, is currently in the U.S. for disease control. Ignoring the centers, there is no plan to self-quarantine. And the campaign will continue as the prevention guidelines and elections approach.

Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence test every negative coronavirus on Sunday, a White House official said.

“I spoke to the vice president last night at midnight and I can tell you that what he is doing is wearing a mask, socially away and when he goes to speak he will take off the mask and put it back,” Meadows said. Was. . “He’s wearing this mask because he’s related to this special thing because the doctors have advised him to do it.”

The meadows also declined to state the extent of the Covid-19 outbreak in Pence’s orbit, saying the administration does not share personal information and that such announcements in the president, vice president or their inner circle are only appropriate.

“Whenever someone is in a way to do harm, we have a responsibility to let people know about contract-tracing,” he said.

Meadows argued that Pence would continue with travel plans because he was “an essential employee.”

“I’m not saying he’s not campaigning, I’m saying he’s part of what he’s doing and we’re looking at ‘essential staff’, whether he’s the vice president of the United States or someone else. To continue. “He said.

Pence, who is rarely known to wear a mask while flying on Air Force Two, flew to Florida on Saturday for campaign rallies in Lakeland and Tallahassee. The vice president walked from Marine Two to Tarmac in a mask and boarded Air Force Two about an hour later than scheduled.

Pence emerged as a muskless from Air Force Two in Florida, running down the steps and pumping pimps as he approached the podium.

An official told CNN’s Kevin Liptok on Sunday that Pence is expected to campaign daily until election day and that the plans will remain in place.

After visiting North Carolina the following Sunday, the vice president is returning to Minnesota on Monday and North and South Carolina on Tuesday. He is also expected to return to the Upper Midwest this week. The official said Pence’s testing would continue, but, like Trump, he still plans to be on the road every day for another week.

‘They are accepting defeat’

Sen. of California. Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice presidential candidate, said Sunday that despite news of positive tests, Pence, who was asked about his decision to continue the campaign, should “follow the guidelines.” “We’re doing it. I think that’s what we’ve done right and well behaved (and it just leads us.”)

Harris canceled a “lot of caution” trip a week ago after two people in his orbit tested positive for the virus.

Speaking shortly after arriving in Detroit, Harris said Meadows’ remarks to Tapper on Sunday show that the Trump administration is “accepting defeat.”

“We are breaking down the number of people signing a deadly virus, and this administration will fail to take personal responsibility for leading the country through this dangerous, dangerous and fatal mass accident,” he said. “And that’s why they’ve confiscated the right to a second term.”

The story has been updated with additional developments on Sunday.

CNN’s Kevin Liptak, Caitlan Collins, Jeremy Diamond, Daniel Diaz, Betsy Klein, Jasmine Wright, Nicky Robertson and Liz Tural Contributed to this report.
