White House adviser claims Democrats, China are ‘common cause’ to defeat Trump

White House adviser Peter Navarro on Wednesday accused the Democratic Party and the Chinese Communist Party of entering into a “common cause” to defeat President TrumpDonald John TrumpThe Memo: Democrats pitch Biden as the back-to-normal candidate Obama congratulates Biden with formal nomination Jill Biden gives personal portrait of man Joe MORE in November.

“What I think is happening here is that the Democratic Party and the Chinese Communist Party have agreed on a common case to defeat Donald J. Trump and her whole strategy, their whole strategy is based on blaming this administration for a global pandemic. by the Chinese Communist Party, ”Navarro told White House reporters.

Navarro did not elaborate on his suggestion that Democrats and China had some sort of agreement. He later accused the Chinese Communist Party of “forging its fate with the Democratic Party”, saying it was obviously based on China’s “information struggle” against the Trump administration.

William Evanina, the top official of the U.S. opposition to intelligence, said earlier this month that China prefers not to win re-election to Trump and has stepped up influence tensions “to shape the U.S. policy environment, putting pressure on political figures” which is contrary to China’s interests, and deflects and opposes criticism of China. ”The statement did not say that China was working to boost the Democratic presidential nominee Joe BidenJoe BidenThe Memo: Democrats pitch Biden as the back-to-normal candidate Obama congratulates Biden with formal nomination Jill Biden gives personal portrait of man Joe MORE or the Democrats, or that the two worked with each other in some way.

Navarro on Wednesday criticized the Democratic National Convention for what he described as a failure to acknowledge guilt in China with respect to the new coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, late last year before spreading worldwide. Navarro accused China of losing millions of jobs and killing more than 170,000 people in the US as a result of the pandemic.

“They no longer talk about policy,” Navarro of the Democrats said. ‘It’s just Donald Trump -‘ min. “It simply came to our notice then. ”

Trump has come under fire for treating his administration of the virus, including early delays in testing and his aggressive pressure to open businesses and schools amid the pandemic.

The president’s handling of the disease has been a central focus for Democrats in the first two days of their convention, with former President Clinton shaking Trump for his response to COVID-19 in a televised address Tuesday night.

Navarro claimed on Wednesday that the lack of blame imposed on China by Democrats suggests that a Biden administration “would transfer this country to the Chinese Communist Party.”

Through public comments, Biden has compiled an agenda aimed at giving the US a competitive advantage over China and curbing the country’s human rights abuses and unfair trade practices, while the Trump campaign has targeted the Democratic candidate to paint as weak on China.
