When ‘Idiot’ Scientists Against Her Father Rails, Ivanka Trump Talks About Ice Cream

“Look,” Ms. “The president punches when he needs to punch,” Sclape said. She has her own story to tell her daughter, and she has her own way of telling it.

Still, the surrogate can only stray so far from the campaign’s impressive message and messenger. Ms. Trump was able to speak with infinite politeness about all the important lessons introduced by his father (“Find something you are passionate about, because it is the path to happiness”). It can focus on straw parenting concerns such as school selection and education improvement when a ronavirus outbreak occurs, and laments the “loss of social interaction for our children”. It can avoid any talk of immigration, caravans, walls or divorce from the family.

And after that, a report came later that the parents of the separated children could not be located on the southern border.

“On the one hand, a member of the president’s family can give a soft and humane touch,” said presidential historian Gil Troy, who wrote extensively on the first families. In such a polarized and bipartisan environment, he added, Mrs. Trump may still offer Republicans some reassurance that those who do not like her father, but would hate to support Mr. Biden. “Ivanka may still be proof that ‘look, it’s not bad,'” Mr Troy said. “She’s trying to be a little harbor in the storm.” At one point, however, the contradiction becomes very sharp. “It becomes almost a rival rather than an assistant,” he said.

And while Mrs. Trump may avoid the imaginary language of her father and brothers, she is embroiled in policies and actions that have given critics just as vague or bad advice. She reportedly supported her father’s march to Lafayette Square last spring during a protest against racial injustice, resulting in a photo-op waving the Bible in front of St. John’s Church, which was damaged by fire. Mr.-Trump’s wide-ranging presidency has stood as a notorious spectacle.

He has shown harshness for unconscious, tone-deaf gestures: for example, after he tweeted a photo of himself amid reports of transgender children being forcibly taken from their mothers by border agents, he stabbed his two-year-old son. Mrs Trump’s official position at the White House – along with that of her husband Jared Kushner – has been widely criticized for nepotism and possible violations of the Hatch Act.

Perhaps as the president’s most influential aide, his daughter tends to be fairly quiet in public, even policies in which she personally opposes. She gave a professional inspiration to Spoof Perfume on Saturday Night Live – a fragrance called “Complicate”. (“It’s beautiful. It’s powerful. It is.) Complex. ”)