What is the lifetime installed apps account in Play Store?

Smartphones are nothing without apps, and there are plenty of them on the Play Store. Of course, the quality there … let’s say “varies” thanks to Google’s rather lax curation and management efforts. But there are tons of apps we depend on every day, others we use maybe a couple of times a month, and even more we uninstall them, never to use them again. With the practical tool of the Google Accounts Panel to check: How many applications have you installed during your life with Android?

My work probably inflates my numbers.

In the past, apps were a gold rush: wild west risks and all. I remember a time when I was constantly looking for new ones to fill gaps in functionality. But as those niches have filled, it seems like I install fewer apps (which I maintain) every passing year, though I still try many new ones all the time to work. Based on our readers’ responses to our recent paid app survey, many of you are also slowing down when it comes to paying for new apps.

We have the results of the 2017 version of this survey for comparison, though I’ve added a bit more granularity at the low level based on our responses last time. But let’s take a look: What is the Play Store app lifetime installation count listed in your Google Dashboard? And even if you could have a separate work profile, let’s keep your personal account for this.

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