What August Alsina said after Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith’s ‘Red Table Talk’

Pinkett Smith and her husband of 23 years, actor Will Smith, confirmed during the Friday episode of their Facebook talk show “Red Table Talk” that she had been romantically involved with Alsina years ago.

The superstar couple said the relationship began during a period that they had separated.

“I got caught up with August,” Pinkett Smith said during the talk.

In a recent interview with radio presenter Angela Yee, Alsina said that she had been romantically involved with Pinkett Smith. Pinkett Smith has been married to Smith since 1997 and shares two children with him.

“Actually, I sat down with Will and had a conversation,” Alsina said during her interview with Yee. “Because of the transformation of her marriage into (a) a life relationship that they have talked about multiple times, and that doesn’t involve romanticism, she gave me her blessing.”

Pinkett Smith said during his “Red Table Talk” that he began a friendship with Alsina four and a half years ago, that it became something more after she and Smith reached a difficult point in their relationship and agreed to separate amicably.

But she denied that her husband had given Alsina permission to get involved with her, although she added that she understood why the young singer might have believed that was the case.

“The only person who can give permission in that particular circumstance is me,” he said. “I was really able to see how he would perceive it as a permit because we were friendly separated and I think he also wanted to make it clear that he is not a house destroyer either. Which is not the case.”

She said the relationship ended, she and Smith reconciled and are now in a place of “unconditional love.”

The entire drama set fire to social media and soon there were many memes and conversations about the “tangle.”

On Friday, Alsina responded on Twitter after actress Keke Palmer tweeted to set the record straight on whether they had been romantically involved.

Palmer denied that they were when a follower shared a photo of Palmer and Alsina together and asked about it.

After sharing his thoughts on that (and confirming that he and Palmer had not been a couple), Alsina tweeted what some saw as her frustration as a result of all the attention and fuss.

“Imagine not knowing how to worry about the business that pays you,” he tweeted. “I catch all the subliminals. (Not just for today) and you can call me whatever you want, Mess is constantly inserting himself into issues you have to do with a nun. Go play with MAMMY! Not me!”

He continued adding “If you have something to say, say so with CHEST kids.”

“It is always very perplexing because I am really showing people genuine love,” he tweeted. “All the time that envy eating your little heart. Anyway, NEXT !!”

Alsina has not shied away from the drama.

A week before Pinkett Smith and her husband broke the silence, Alsina seemed to double her claim on the relationship in a long Instagram post in which she wrote on a variety of topics.

In part, he wrote: “A tower of truth can never fall, only a tower of lies can do that.”

“My truth is MY truth, and it is mine,” he wrote. “There is no right or wrong here, it just IS. And I make room and I have acceptance of your thoughts and opinions, regardless of whether I agree or not, you have that freedom to feel ANYTHING because when you are in TRUE peace, all the noise and the talk becomes a whisper. “

CNN contacted Alsina representatives for additional comments.
