Westpac, Australia one of Australia’s largest banks, hit a record 920 million in fines

The company announced on Thursday that it had agreed with Australian regulator AU Str AC to a fine of 1.3 billion Australian dollars ($ 920 million). Broke the law.

“I sincerely apologize for the bank’s failure,” CEO Peter King said in a statement. “We’re committed to fixing these issues to make sure these mistakes don’t happen again. This is my first order.”

If the fine is upheld by an Australian Australian court, it will be the largest corporate fine in the country’s history. a Commonwealth Bank Australia was fined 700 million Australian dollars (3 3,493 million) in 2018 after the bank admitted it had failed to comply with laws to curb money and loans for terrorism.

Shares of Westpac fell in Sydney on Thursday and were trading below the last 1%.

Australian Australian regulators took legal action against Westpac almost a year ago when they said Bank Australia had failed to report millions of notifications for financial transfers in and out of Australia.

Regulatory watchdog Dogg said at the time that Westpac had neglected to properly assess transactions in the Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia “with known financial indicators of potential child abuse.”

King said the company has changed the way transactions are monitored, and has hired hundreds of people responsible for detecting economic crime. The bank also created an executive position that is directly responsible for improving its ability to address financial crimes.

The allegations hit the bank hard and led to the resignation of former CEO Brian Hartzer last November.

These fines also significantly exceed the amount set aside for the payment of the Westpac scam. In its announcement on Thursday, the bank said it had previously estimated the possibility of a fine of 900 million Australian dollars (4 million).

The fine reflects the “serious and systemic nature” of Westpac’s non-compliance, AU Strack said in a statement on Thursday.

“We continue to work closely with Westpac and all businesses and we regulate their support to meet their compliance and reporting obligations to ensure that this does not happen in the future,” said Nicole Rose, Chief Executive of WeSte ACA.

– Angus Watts contributed to this report.
