Colorado registered this first human case of West Nile virus this year, and the state Department of Health advised residents to take precautionary measures against mosquito bites.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said it received a report Wednesday that a Delta County resident was infected with West Nile. The person was hospitalized, according to state data.
Last year, 122 people tested positive for West Nile in Colorado, and eight died.
The main way the virus spreads is through mosquito bites. Humans cannot give it to each other except through blood transfusions, breastfeeding or transmission from mother to fetus.
Infected mosquitoes have been found in Larimer, Delta and Weld counties. Not all counties catch and test mosquitoes, however, so the state Department of Health advises everyone to take precautionary measures:
- Use insect repellent when going outside. Repellents containing DEET, picaridine, IR3535, lemon eucalyptus oil or para-menthane diol provide the best protection.
- Limit outdoor activities in the vicinity of morning or dusk, when mosquitoes are most active.
- Wear long sleeves, long pants and socks in areas where mosquitoes live and spray your clothing with repellent.
- Drain standing water around your home, including in tires, cans, flower pots, birdbaths and rain gear.
- Keep window and door screens in good repair.
Most people experience no symptoms of West Nile virus. About one in five people bitten by an infected mosquito develops moderate symptoms such as fever, pain, vomiting, diarrhea or a rash, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
One in 150 people develops an infection of the nervous system that can be life-threatening. People over 60 and those with chronic conditions have a higher risk of a serious case. If you or someone you know develops severe headaches or unusual confusion, call a doctor, as it may be a sign of an infection of the nervous system or another serious illness.
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