West Nile virus confirmed in Medford mosquitoes

MEDFORD, MA – A mosquito sample taken in Medford tested positive for West Nile Virus, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health confirmed Thursday. The sample was taken from the southeast region of the city.

There is no elevated risk level for West Nile Virus at this time, health officials said. The state’s first positive sample was confirmed earlier this month.

Through a contracted service, Medford has mosquito traps that are regularly monitored and samples are collected and analyzed.

To prevent mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile Virus and EEE, community members can and should take the following precautions:

  • Use mosquito repellents with an EPA-registered active ingredient (such as DEET).
  • Limit outdoor activities from dusk to dawn, when mosquito activity is most likely.
  • Wear long sleeves, long pants, and stockings when outdoors.
  • Limit the number of places around your home where there is standing water; mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.
  • Make sure your window and door screens are tight.

More information, including all positive WNV and EEE results, can be found on the arbovirus surveillance information website at https://www.mass.gov/mosquitoesandticks, which is updated daily, or by calling the Division of Epidemiology DPH at 617-983-6800.