“We’ll kick your ass,” says Graham, a weak South Carolina liberal.

In the final weeks of the campaign, Graham Harrison is trying to tie the message of hope-change to the incredibly popular Democrats, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“Here I say to all the liberals who talk about South Carolina: we’ll kick your ass,” Graham told a crowd of police officers on Myrtle Beach last week.

During the 1994 Republican Revolution, the House, which first came to power by winning a House seat in Washington, was seen as a shoe-in for re-election for most of the cycle. Compared to just million 18 million for Graham, Harris has already spent 51 51 million on ads and future ad reservations, with Gray crushed in the airwaves with 51 51 million, according to Conter’s Campaign Media Analysis Group.

Is Lindsay Graham in trouble?

“I’m helping Trump, and obviously I missed every liberal in the country,” Graham told CNN here in the state capital. “But we’ll be fine.”

Graham’s relationship with Trump is a double-edged sword. While Graham has made many supporters of the president, he told CNN over the weekend last week that the two were “one team,” rather than calling Trump a “race-bite, xenophobic, religious fanatic” in 2015.

When asked about Graham, Columbia voter Maggie Parker said, “I don’t like it when people don’t have an attitude on their issues.”

Some of his supporters are also critical of the change.

“I’d rather be honest and not flip-flop,” said Mike Jackson, a Myrtle Beach voter who plans to vote for the MORP line. “That’s one of the things I’m not crazy about. I want a man to be upright and stay that way – yes he won’t be a man when his boss man comes up.”

In the interview, Graham was unhappy about his replacement, arguing that he has put past controversies with Trump behind him.

“I conceded defeat,” Graham said, referring to his loss in the 2016 Republican presidential primary. “President Trump won my state. I’m trying to help him wherever I can. He’s very popular in South Carolina.”

Graham also clarified some of Trump’s criticisms. Asked about Trump’s own admission that he had tortured the coronavirus, staged packed rallies during the epidemic, wore masks and repeatedly falsely claimed the virus would simply disappear, Graham defended instead of the president’s action.

Trump ally Lindsay Graham believes the president should declare a tax return

“I think he has made these decisions,” Trump said, referring to repeated arguments by the White House, restrictions on travel from China and ensuring that ventilators are stocked. “I don’t think you have to get out of there and say, ‘Hey, the whole country is blowing up.’

Like the announcement of Barrett’s nomination in the Supreme Court, as few people wore masks or isolated themselves, pressed on whether Trump should hold campaign rallies and crowded White House events, Graham said: “People came, and I wore masks. And they were social distance. “

“It didn’t come out of the Trump Tower; it came out of China,” Graham said of the coronavirus.

Similarly, when asked if Trump has made his job harder – as he failed to condemn white supremacists in last week’s debate – Graham did not respond directly.

Republican Sen. Pointing to Tim Scott, a black Republican, and Nikki Haley, the former governor and daughter of Indian immigrants, “all I can say about the people of South Carolina is that it’s not your skin color.” “So, it’s not about whether you’re in South Carolina or about your skin color, it’s about your thoughts.”

Harrison’s plan: Rely on paid media

As he has gained traction in the race, Harris has taken on an increasingly low profile, rarely giving media interviews and clearly advancing public events. As a father of two young children and a predisposition to diabetes, Harrison was also giving minor advice to stay by his side during Saturday’s debate and privately pushing for the debate to be held virtually until the final hours of the debate. Event.

But it’s also not clear how Harrison fills his time. Despite several requests by CNN for his campaign his aides said he would not provide a list of virtual events. And he declined to comment on any interviews or agreeings from CNN before and after the discussion with Graham.

Many South Carolina voters say they’ve seen a lot of Harrison – but only through his ads.

“They’re blitching us out with ads by naming us on YouTube, Spotify,” said Lyric Swinton, a Colombian voter. “It’s around those ads all over the state.”

Harrison’s surprising expense prompts outside groups to come in

Democrats in South Carolina have had no success since Fritz Hollings retired fifteen years ago after nearly four decades in the Senate. In the six Senate elections since 2004, the Democratic candidate has never broken 45% of the vote. But in his race against Graham, Harrison could break that barrier, heightened by an unprecedented level of financial support.

In its final campaign in 1998, Hallings raised 5.6 million. According to the CMAG, Harrison’s campaign will be kept more accurate than that – .3 9.3 million in the weekend announcement starting October. To date, the Senate contest is the most expensive in South Carolina history.

“No one has ever had such a race before,” said Verter Whitsell, a spokesman for Graham Security is Strength PAC.

Statewide campaigns traditionally buy 8-10-week television commercials for થી 2 million to 3 3 million, he said in South Carolina.

“It costs close to every two or three days,” Whitsell said.

Republican leaders facing bombardment and tight voting around the Hawaiian Wave are rushing to Graham’s defense.

The Senate Leadership Fund, affiliated with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has dreamed of spending અના 9.6 million in competition or reserves in South Carolina, compared to the બહ 6 million announced by the Senate Majority PAC, Super PAC. The alliance with Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, according to the CMAG.

“Left-wing money laundering has begun for noble lobbyist Jamie Harrison and is now flooding South Carolina with its own generous donor funding,” SLF President Steven Law said in a statement.

JB Porsche told CNN that the South Carolina race has been competitive for a very long time.

“Lindsay Graham’s problem is that no one seems to trust her,” Porsche said. “The feeling of not trusting Lindsay Graham knows no party.”

Targeting suburban women

Harrison will have to hope for a series of lucky events to defeat Graham. He will have to bring out Democratic voters while appealing to Republicans who were shut down by senators in the Trump era.

Amanda Lovede, former executive director of the South Carolina Democratic Party, said Harrison has “run the most effective Democratic statewide race we’ve ever seen in modern history.”

He said white suburban voters, especially women “who are just fed up with Trump,” could “determine how this election is won.”

Both campaigns are clearly targeting them. Harris has aired a television ad featuring a woman named Robin from North Charleston, who is now a former Graham supporter, as the senator is attacked for wanting to reduce the defense for those with current conditions. “She can even cut this tube,” she says, holding what helps her breathe.

Harrison’s second announcement, a supporter of Melissa’s other former Graham at Fort Mill, south of Charlotte, North Carolina, alleges that the senator has “changed” and that now is the time for change.

Security is Strength has responded with an ad of its own featuring a young mother and teacher, Anna Coleman, who says, “I want my family to be safe.” She then said “this is part of the liberal culture that is tearing our country apart.” He then tries to tie the Democratic candidate to the left side of a police effort, which Harrison denies, showing images of crowds on the streets. “I mean defame the police,” Coleman says. “He’s crazy.”

South Carolina Democratic strategist Loveday said a key factor in the Senate race is Bill Bladeso, who said he would still be late in November, even though he resigned last week and backed Graham. The last Democratic candidate to win a statewide race, South Carolina’s Superintendent of Education, Jim Rex, defeated Republicans by 5 votes in 2006, while four third-party candidates also ran for office fees.

“It’s going to be too big for Jaim,” Loveday said. “[Bledsoe’s] The name will appear on every ballot in the state of South Carolina. And if you vote for him, he could potentially determine the outcome of the election. ”

Harrison grew up poor in Orangeburg, and was raised by his grandparents before attending Yale University and Georgetown Law. He raped South Carolina. Jim led the State Democratic Party to Klebern, and worked as a lobbyist with clients, including Michelin, Boeing, and the South Carolina Ports Authority. His message echoes the slogans of Barack Obama since 2008. “It’s about right versus wrong.”

Graham has attacked Harrison’s lobbying career, noting one of his clients noted that there was a hedge fund company that had previously sued Hurricane Katrina victims – charging Harrison’s campaign because it was before he worked for the Harrison company.

But the senator’s overall message is that while Harrison is generous, Graham will make sure Barrett is confirmed this month.

Yet, as Trump is more popular in South Carolina, then he is in other states where sensitive Republican senators are running, the polls have also seen a decline in the standing position of the president here. Whether that is enough to end Graham’s 26-year career in Congress is an open question.

“I think we’re a team,” Graham told CNN when asked if his fate was tied to Trump. “Sometimes he says some things that are hard to be honest with. But Trump will win this state because of his record. And I’m going to win because of my record. And this is a conservative state.”

David Wright of CNN contributed to this report.
