Ziggy Marley hosted a socially distant live performance of her late father Bob Marley’s music as part of the continuing celebration of the reggae legend’s 75th birthday.
The hour-long concert featured Ziggy’s performances of Bob’s classics like “One Love” and “Get Up, Stand Up” along with his version of the lesser-known favorites like “Them Belly Full”, “Coming in From the Cold “and” We and Dem.
The show, which featured clear dividers separating each of the band members who, in addition to the singers, wore facial masks, was filmed at CEEK VR Studio in Los Angeles; Ziggy Marley also participated in a question and answer session through the content streaming platform.
Earlier this week, the Amplified Project, with family members Marley Cedella, Stephen and Skip, released a reinvented version of Bob Marley’s “One Love” to benefit UNICEF:
The Marley family will celebrate Bob’s legacy throughout 2020, the year that would have marked the singer’s 75th birthday. Gifts for Marley fans include the 12-part documentary series Bob Marley: justice as well as the soccer doc Game rhythm, new videos for “No Women, No Cry” and “Three Little Birds”, the discovery of live performances and a SiriusXM station dedicated to the reggae legend.