Watch George Conway realize that Trump is a malignant narcissist in an exclusive clip for “#Unfit”

During the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, former President Michelle Obama characterized the Donald Trump administration as compromised by “chaos, division, and a complete and utter lack of empathy,” which, she said, are just some of the main reasons he is not fit to serve.

The upcoming documentary “#Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump” delves deeper into the president’s unforgivable behavior and similar statements. According to the website for #Unfit, director Dan Partland – who was the producer of A & E’s “Intervention” and the Emmy-nominated retrospective “The Sixties” – and his producers did not make this documentary to plead for policy issues; it’s strictly about Trump’s fitness to serve as president.

“We interview mental health professionals, who discuss the disorders, why they feel the danger is being exacerbated now, and why they believe that for them to NOT warn the public at this time would be a waiver of professional responsibility. , “read the page.

Partland and its producers interviewed a number of doctors and mental health professionals who concluded that Trump is a malignant narcissist, a personality disorder characterized by narcissism, sociopathy, paranoia and sadism.

This was a conclusion also reached by attorney George T. Conway III, who is the husband of former presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway, an outspoken Trump critic and a founding member of the Lincoln Project, a conservative Super PAC formed in December 2019 and dedicated to “defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box.”

On Sunday, Kellyanne Conway announced she would leave the Trump administration to focus on her family, “less drama, more mom.” This comes after months of increasingly public conflict with George over her differing views on the president, and after her 15-year-old daughter Claudia Conway recently joined the conversation by posting TikTok videos and public tweets, which she did not. agree with the weary politics of her mother.

As Conway says in the film – and in the exclusive clip you can watch below – he did not go into the Trump administration for many reasons, “but the fundamental reason is that it was a mess.”

“I think I had to google ‘Trump’ and ‘mental health’ because I clearly thought there was something seriously wrong with him,” Conway says.

“#Unfit” will receive a limited theatrical and virtual cinema version on August 28 before going to platforms on demand on September 1.