Watch Dr. Pimple Popper squeeze a ‘Uni Sashimi’ lipoma

  • In a new Instagram video, Dr. Pimple Popper addresses a lipoma that looks like a uni sashimi.
  • The brave patient actually watches the entire extraction, cheering on Dr. Lee as she struggles with the trapped mass.
  • A lipoma is a non-cancerous fatty growth that grows between the skin and muscles.

    In a new Instagram video, Dr. Pimple Popper, also known as a dermatologist and TLC host, Dr. Sandra Lee, MD, addresses a clogged lipoma that looks like a piece of rich sashimi uni. The lipoma is one of many speckled on the man’s torso, which looks like oddly placed abs.

    In the clip, Dr. Lee makes an incision along one of the masses. Then he begins to squeeze the lipoma, hoping to push it out easily. But the patient observes how the famous dermatologist plays a little tug of war with growth.

    “Get out of here,” says the patient. Come on, you stinky little boy.

    With that encouragement, Dr. Lee pulls out the lipoma with a firm squeeze, all while the brave patient watches. And the dough really looks like a piece of delicious uni. That is sea urchin for all sashimi novice.

    In the caption for the clip, Dr. Lee asks a simple question: “If you could, would you want to see how your lipomas are removed?” Fan comments answer the question with a resounding “yes.”

    A lipoma is a non-cancerous fatty growth that grows between the skin and muscles, and is generally yellowish-orange in color.

    Check out the pretty pop below:

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