Watch an advance 2021 Ford Bronco climb up and down the escalator at Moab

Described by the Bureau of Land Management itself as “extremely difficult, and only recommended for highly experienced drivers with advanced equipment,” the 6.5-mile Hell’s Revenge trail in Moab, Utah is not something exactly a car can conquer. The steep ledges and often slippery surfaces are so challenging that immediately tells those who want to ride it to “get a Jeep.” But soon it will have to change to take on the 2021 Ford Bronco, whose latest raid on Jeep territory took it one of the hottest ascents of Hell’s Revenge: The Escalator.

Slightly more than a jagged, V-shaped string of slickrock, The Escalator is an optional detour along the endangered track, climbing it is worth Instagram, no matter how big a budget the rig uses. The rocks are black rubbed by the many who have tried to sneak their way into the crutch, not whoever made it all, their cars or skills for four-wheelers not enough. But sure enough, the new Ford Bronco, which reveals the video below, may well meet the challenge.