Warriors trade Brad Wanamakar, Marquis Chris on timelines; Kelly lays ub bray

War Ryers took a few small steps in the trading deadline on Thursday, but failed to pull off some of the expected big deals.

According to league sources, the guard for the Golden State cash consideration was Brad Wennamakar to the Hornets and the center Marquis Chris and Cady Lalane to the Spurs for center rights. Those steps were taken to clear two roster spots if the Warriors acquired anyone in the next buyout market. In the 15-man roster spot vacated by Golden State, Wenmaker and Chris, two-way-contract players Juan T. Tscono-Anderson and Niko Mann Mann can also move.

The 28-year-old from Massachusetts, the 2015 number pick in the NBA Draft, has yet to play an NBA game. He is currently on Changwon LG Soccer in the Korean Basketball League and is not expected to join Golden State.

Wanamaker, 31, signed a one-year, 2. 25.25 million contract with War Rears in free agency to be Stephen Curry’s primary backup at Point Guard. But in 39 games with Golden State, he averaged 35.3% shooting (21.3% from 3-point range), averaging 7 .. points on 2.5 assists and 1.7 rebounds. A few weeks ago, Wanamaker was removed from the regular rotation of the Warriors so that Manion and Jordan Pool could get more minutes.

Chris suffered a right ankle sprain with a fractured right fibula in late December, and it is unclear if he will be able to play again this season. Head coach Steve Carey recently said Chris – who becomes a free agent this summer – has started doing some work on the court, but he’s “not close to playing in the game.”

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Even if Chris had returned this season, it would have been a tough time for him to break the Warriors’ frontcourt rotation. James Wiseman, Golden State’s franchise-center-in-waiting, commands critical time. The Warriors also want to get Kevin Looney minutes and play Eric Paschal as the center of the small ball.

After months of speculation that Golden State might move guard Kelly Bray Jr. in the deadline, he decided to catch her. According to league sources, the Warriors turned down multiple “attractive” offers for Barre.

This was a gamble, although Golden State would now risk losing Brain in free agency and gaining nothing in return. After a slow start to the season, 25, O Bray emerged as a reliable two-wing. Games: In games, it is .8 43..8% shooting (30-point range .60..6% shooting), 9.9 rebounds, 1. Ass assisted and averaged 15.1 points on 1.0 theft.

According to league sources, Ub Bray could offer a એજ 20 million-a-year free agency contract – a direct number for a Warriors team that has already committed about 140 140 million for next season, Clay Thompson, Andrew Wiggins and Dremond Green. But if Ub Bray is willing to re-sign with Golden State for what will be the role of the sixth man after Thompson returns from Achilles’ injury, it would be appropriate for the Warriors to pay him his market price.

In the short term Aubrey should help Golden State compete for a playoff berth this season. The Warriors will enter the game on Thursday night at Sacramento 10 in the Western Conference Standings at 22-22 p.m. The teams with seventh-best, eighth-best, ninth-best and tenth-best teams in each conference will compete in the seventh and eighth-ranked play-in tournaments in the play-s.

Connor Lateran is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: [email protected]. Twitter: OnCon_Chron