Voices from Fox News to MSNBC praise Joe Biden’s acceptance speech

He started on stage in shadow. Then he stepped into the light.

The stage matched his words. Joe Biden said – promised, in essence – that “the end of this chapter of American darkness began here, last night, when love and hope and light participated in the struggle for the soul of the nation.” He used the word “hope” ten times. “Light” eleven times. “Fear” just five times.

Then he and his wife Jill ran outside for a late night fireworks show – literally cut through by the darkness of Wilmington night …

Oliver Darcy writes: ‘Probably the most striking line of Biden’s speech was when he promised’ to be an ally of light, not darkness. ‘ It should not be lost on us how extraordinary it was that a not so subtle theme of a speech by a presidential candidate who accepted the nomination was that the election is about good versus evil. Not policy. Not even ruling style. But good against evil … “

A reminder about media consumption

Oliver Darcy writes: “While many readers of this newsletter will probably have invested the time in following the various DNC speeches, it is worth pointing out: Most Americans did not. Instead, unintentionally how many people have opposed various pieces of the “conventions that fit a political agenda from context. They will show clips delivered through hyperpartisan outlets, commentators and political operatives … Important to always keep this in mind …”

Cognitive dissonance?

I wondered when I saw Biden’s fired-ready-to-go address: Has one of the Fox viewers who kept telling me that Biden is just a human blooper-reel … a man who can not string a full sentence … … were any of them surprised by his passionate, articulate acceptance speech?

Fox’s Bret Baier right after finishing: That was “the best he has been, for his delivery.” Chris Wallace: “It was an enormously effective speech. Remember, Donald Trump has been talking for months about Joe Biden as a mental shooter, a prisoner of the left, and yes Biden read from a teleprompter and a prepared speech, but I thought he blew up. a hole – a big hole – in that characterization. “

Instant responses

WaPo’s Philip Bump: “Trump’s campaign invested an enormous amount of energy in suggesting that Biden could not succeed in appearing in public with any competence, which looks like a bar that was inconvenient to set up.”

– Gloria Borger on CNN: “This may be the best speech Joe Biden has ever delivered. It was not a convention speech, written for applause lines; it was a presidential address, even kind of a conversation on fire.”

– Joy Reid on MSNBC: “I think we found out last night why Donald Trump was so scared of him.”

SF Chronicle’s Tal Kopan prior to Biden’s address: “It’s amazing how much of this convention has made the case that Joe Biden is just a really, really friendly, caring person. That’s not normally the basis of a presidential campaign, but it says a read a lot about her right now in America. “
