Valorant gets new rating system for Act 2, says Riot Games

ValorantBig content updates are broken down into Acts, for smaller additions like new Agents, and Episodes, for bigger additions like maps, and the first Act of the game is about to end. Prior to Act 2, which will likely begin around August 4, Riot Games announced some changes to Valorant‘s mode classified in the next law.

The biggest new addition to the next Law is what Riot calls Act Ranks. Act ranges are how Riot will track and display a player’s progress and ranked achievements after an act ends, although these will not exist for Act 1. Act ranges will appear in player profiles and They will function as a commemorative trophy for your competitive journey.

Ranges of law are made up of a few different factors. The first is “proven ability,” which is determined by the nine highest ranked wins players have in an Act. Therefore, if you win nine games in Diamond, but then return to the Gold rank, your ability proven at the end of the Act will only include all nine Diamond victories. The other factors that fall into the Act ranges are your highest ranked victory and your number of ranked wins in one act.

A work in progress of the Valorant Law rank insignia

The Act Rank Badge, which shows proven ability
Image: Riot Games

Outside of these classified awards, Riot is also changing a few other things about the mode. In Act 2, all players will have their ranks slightly restored, and they will have to play three placement games. These games will take into account the match rating of Act 1, which means they should be quite similar to the games everyone was playing before the new Act started. After these three-location matches, most players will be placed slightly lower than they ended Act 1, because the system wants to place them in winnable games.

While all of these changes are on the way to ValorantUnder the classification system, we still don’t know what other changes might come once the new law arrives. Riot has already mentioned the possibility of launching new agents with new acts, which would certainly make sense for act 2, but for any Specific information, we will have to wait until Riot reveals his plans sometime in the coming days.