Valid payday for black women is today, August 13th. There is a reason for that

The upshot: Black women had to work an extra seven and a half months this year on top of the 12 months they worked last year just to make as much as their White, non-Spanish male servants did in 2019. That’s according to the Equal Pay Today campaign, an umbrella group of organizations advocating for payroll. It based its estimate on the median annual income for full-time employees throughout the year using data from the Census Bureau.

As a result, the National Women’s Law Center estimates that Black women lose roughly $ 1 million in income over a career.

“For Black women, they find themselves sitting at the intersection of gender and racial discrimination, and if those things are combined, you will see a greater discrepancy in matters like pay,” said Shannon Williams, director of the Equal Pay Today campaign. .

For comparison, Equal Pay Day for women in general it was March 31 this year.

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But median income for full-time employees are not necessarily responsible for whether they are otherwise on an equal playing field in terms of education, experience and geographical location.

It also does not reflect that Black women typically work fewer hours and thus make less than white men. That’s in part because they are more likely to be unemployed than part-time, said Valerie Wilson, director of the program on race, ethnicity and the economy at the Liberal Institute for Economic Policy.

EPI claimed responsibility for those factors and found that, based on average hourly earnings, Black women still earned only 66 cents for every dollar White, non-Spanish men made.

“While this large pay gap has always been unfair and insulting to the millions of working Black women in this country, it is especially so during the current health and economic crisis,” Wilson wrote in a blog post.
EPI, which used data from the current Labor population survey, went further and looked at hourly pay for occupations that were considered essential in the 2020 pandemic, including doctors, nurses, teachers, childcare workers and cashiers.
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Overall, it was found that Black women earn between 11% and 27% less than white men – even if Black women make up a larger share of the labor force, as they do in teaching, nursing and childcare.

The biggest gap exists in the job that requires the most training and educational investment. Doctors of black women make 73 cents for every dollar their white male peers make.

As dishonest as the payoff for Black women is, it’s not even the worst of it. The Equal Pay Today campaign marks Equal Pay Day for Spanish women until October 29.
