Utah Hospitals Covid: Proposed Criterion to Ration Health Care in Overcrowded Facilities

A report by the Celtic Lake Tribune states that a group of administrators representing Utah’s hospitals made a presentation to government official Gary Herbert, “with a list of criteria they should use for the proposed doctors,” if patients can stay in more intensive care units. The Tribune states.

They told Herbert they needed to set criteria if the coronavirus trend continued, Greg Belle, president of the Utah Hospitals Association, told the Tribune.

Bell told CNN-affiliated QTV on Sunday night that the proposal for unpaid care would take into account the patient’s age, health, condition and ability to live.

Belle said, “At the end of the day, as opposed to some seniors, some healthy young people probably didn’t get consent.

Bell said Utah is suffering from the “extraordinary case growth and spread rate” of the Covid-19.

More than 1000 new cases have been reported every day in the last 12 days in the state. On Sunday, Utah had the highest seven-day average for new daily cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Since the onset of the epidemic, more than 104,882 people have been infected with coronavirus in Utah, and at least 572 people have died.

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Prior to the rational rationing of health care, an Utah mother who suffered a heart attack was delayed in receiving adequate treatment due to the addition of Kovid-19.

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The hospital needed special equipment in the hospital’s intensive care unit. But a doctor told the family that not enough resources were available amid the growth of the growing Covid-19.

Eventually, Terry was taken to the hospital where he received the special care he needed, but his condition worsened.

State epidemiologist Dr. “We’ve seen in the last two weeks that our health care system is right,” Angela Dunn said.

“I don’t know what to do now.” “I’m not really trying to scare anyone. I’m just trying to give you information and facts about what’s happening.”

Herbert had a wish for the masses:

“I hope people will take this seriously,” the governor said.

CNN’s Holly Yan and Martin Savage contributed to the report.
