US State Department Expresses Concern Over Repressive Measures Against “Last Dictator of Europe”

Hundreds of people have reportedly been violently dispersed and arrested in Belarus amid protests over the exclusion of candidates running against Alexander Lukashenko. Journalists were among those detained.

“We are deeply concerned by recent reports of mass arrests and detentions of peaceful activists and journalists, following the disqualification of two prominent opposition candidates before the August presidential election,” a spokesman said in response to a CNN consultation.

Belarus strongman faces massive protests after jailing his main rivals

“We continue to urge the Belarusian Government to take steps to improve its record with respect to human rights and democracy, and to comply with OSCE commitments,” they said. “Respecting fundamental freedoms, including the freedoms of peaceful assembly, expression and association, is crucial to strengthening the bilateral relationship between the United States and Belarus.”

In a statement on Belarus National Day on July 3, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged the “Belarus government to do everything in its power to ensure that the next elections are free and fair.”

“This includes the right of a wide range of candidates to participate in the campaign, the right of citizens to assemble peacefully and speak freely, and an open and fair vote count. All of these fundamental freedoms are necessary to guarantee independence and sovereignty continued from Belarus, “he said.

“The United States is encouraged by the growing relationship between our two nations and is committed to helping Belarus develop and diversify its economy. The United States reiterates its commitment to work with all Belarusians as it builds a bright, secure and democratic future. , “Pompeo said.

Washington and Minsk have taken steps to normalize diplomatic relations. In February, Pompeo became the highest-ranking government official to visit the country in decades and met with the Belarusian strongman, who has ruled over it since 1994.

In late April, the White House announced its nominee for United States Ambassador to Belarus. If confirmed, they would be the first US ambassador to Minsk since 2008, when the Belarusian government expelled the ambassador and 30 of the 35 US diplomats. The State Department announced its intention to exchange ambassadors in September 2019.
