US signs anti-abortion declaration with Rs.

The Trump administration on Thursday signed an anti-abortion declaration with 3o other countries, including Egypt, Uganda, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Hungary and more than a dozen other authoritarian and authoritarian governments.

Why it’s important: The non-binding Geneva Consensus Declaration by the United Nations Human Rights Council classifying abortion access as a global human right is aimed at “promoting women’s health and strengthening the family”.

Big picture: The document marks the Trump administration’s recent targeting on abortion rights and is consistent with the pending confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Amy Connie Barrett, who has argued abortion advocates will strike Rowe v. Wade.

Details: The declaration claims that abortion is at odds with family and family planning.

  • According to the declaration, the family is “a natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state.”
  • “[T]There is no international right to perform abortions, nor is there any international obligation by states to finance or facilitate abortions, consistent with the long-standing international agreement that each nation has the absolute right to implement programs and activities consistent with its laws and policies. “

Between the lines: Since 2016, President Trump has taken steps to reduce abortions and restrict contraceptive rest access. He also promised to “fully” default abortions to health care providers such as Planned Parenthood.

Where is it: Barrett wrote that abortion is “always immoral” but declined to answer hypothetical questions about whether his confirmation would challenge its legitimacy during the hearing.

Go deep: Life after Row vs. Wade
