US proposes change to shower rules after Trump’s rent wash | American news

The complaints about the US president’s hair-washing on Wednesday prompted the government to propose a reduction in standards for shower pressure.

The Trump administration has proposed rule changes that would allow showerheads the pressure of water bubbles, after Donald Trump repeatedly complained that bathroom fixtures do not work to his liking.

The Department of Energy’s plan followed Trump’s remarks last month at a White House event on regulation. He said he believed water did not come out of fixtures fast enough.

“So what do you do? You just stand there longer or take a shower longer? Because my hair – I do not know about you, but it must be perfect,” he said.

Last December, Trump said environmental regulators were looking for laundry, faucets and toilets to change rules designed to conserve water and fuel that heats it.

“People flush toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once,” Trump said at a meeting of small business leaders in the White House.

Consumer groups approved the plan, saying current rules save consumers money by conserving water and fuel.

The proposal would effectively allow showerheads to include multiple showerheads set up around the 2.5 Congress in 1992, when Trump’s fellow Republican George HW Bush was president.

The energy department also proposed easier standards on washing machines. The Trump administration says its regulatory rollbacks save average U.S. households $ 3,100 a year. But conservatives say reducing bathroom fixture standards could increase energy and water costs.

It was not certain if the plan would be finalized. Trump is running a campaign for reelection and trawling in opinion polls ahead of the November 3 vote. If he wins and the proposal goes ahead, it could also face court battles.
