US helicopters attack control of Syrian armies: State Media | News

Two US helicopters attacked a Syrian army checkpoint, killing one soldier and wounding two others, state media reported.

The incident in northeastern Syria, near the largely Kurdish city of Qamishli, happened shortly after a U.S. patrol on Monday was overtaken by a lower checkpoint in the area, the agency SANA added.

It quoted a military source as saying that military personnel at the checkpoint prevented a U.S. patrol from “entering the area where one of our military formations was deployed”.

“The U.S. patrol members opened several rounds of fire,” it said before adding that “after about 30 minutes, two U.S. war plans attacked the military personnel at the checkpoint.”

The injured were rushed to Qamishli National Hospital.

Northeast Syria is mainly under the control of US-backed Syrian Democratic troops led by Kurdish fighters, but Syrian army is deployed at certain locations under agreements with Kurdish groups.

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