US Car Buyers USA They just need to know

Recently, the Tesla Model S, Model 3, and Model X made a big impact on’s 2020 American Manufacturing Index, an annual survey that ranks vehicles that “contribute the most to the US economy. . ” Through works in factories, manufacturing plants and parts supply. Tesla’s Model S3X line took numbers 3, 4, and 9 on the Top 10 list, which is impressive in its own right. However, these results could easily have been better if more people who responded to the study had been more aware of Tesla, its products, and its operations.

A glance at the results of the list of the top 10 indexes of American-made shows that there is still a division of information between Tesla electric vehicles and conventional car buyers. Topping the top 10 rankings in the survey are the Ford Ranger and Jeep Cherokee, which are iconic for being American cars but have little more base in the United States than Tesla’s trifecta of electric vehicles. In fact, one could even argue that Model S, Model 3, and Model X are plus American than the Ranger and Cherokee, considering that Tesla vehicles are manufactured in the United States using American labor and (for the most part) components.

This year is the first time that Tesla has provided with the information necessary to qualify for the annual survey. According to Kelsey Mays, senior editor for consumer affairs and vehicle evaluation at, the location where a vehicle is manufactured is becoming increasingly important these days, especially in light of the ongoing pandemic.

Tesla Model 3 (Source: Maiden Journey: A Carbon Free Journey | Twitter)

“We live in a global economy, but research found that 70% of American buyers consider the economic impact of a car in the US. USA It is a significant or decisive factor in the purchase of your vehicle. The COVID-19 pandemic is increasing Americans’ desire to buy local products, and 37% report that they are more likely to purchase a US-made vehicle in light of the economic disruption of COVID-19, ”Mays said. .

This is where the information gap still exists between Tesla and America’s top car buyers. According to, only about 10% of American car buyers recognized Tesla as “made in California” in 2019, and this year the number increased to 18%. The auto firm added that only medium of all respondents knew that Tesla was an American company, and only a third of those who participated knew that the Model S was built in the United States. These show that for a significant number of conventional car buyers, Tesla vehicles remain an unknown concept, and one that is not associated with the US. USA Just like Ford trucks and Jeep SUVs.

While it is impressive that the number of American buyers who recognize Tesla as a US-centric company. USA Growing in recent years based on the results from the survey, it looks like Tesla could still do much more to emphasize the fact that its vehicles are Made in the United States. Granted, the company is very firm in its stance against traditional advertising, but there are ways to spread information about the company and its products without resorting to conventional marketing tricks.

Credit: Twitter | @zfescht

This could go a long way in ensuring more people stay informed about what Tesla really is and what its products can do. After all, Tesla electric vehicles still had a strong impact on’s Top 10 American-Made Index, even with a significant number of respondents unaware of the company or the nature of its operations.

Fortunately, the company’s next two vehicles would likely raise awareness of Tesla’s roots in the US. USA After the Model Y crossover, Tesla is poised to accelerate production of the Semi, a Class 8 long-haul carrier, and the Cybertruck, a station wagon. Both vehicles are prepared to be driven by drivers who embody the ideals of workers who value utility and practicality. And this ultimately could help make Tesla better recognized as a company that makes American cars by American workers who use American resources.

This same point was emphasized by Jay Leno in a previous statement about Tesla and the criticism he receives from critics. Talking to CNBC The exchangeLeno frankly stated that he doesn’t really understand where all the criticism of Tesla comes from, given the company’s milestones over the years.

“In the mid-teens, there were 350 auto companies in the United States. Every year since then, two or three of them left … There is a whole group that just disappeared. So here comes a new car company, so that’s awesome. It is a difficult business to enter; and the fact that Tesla tries and quite successfully I think it’s impressive and should be applauded. We are becoming like the British, we like noble failures. I watched, listened to these radio shows and just ripped Tesla apart; And I say, ‘Here’s a guy who’s building an American car in America, using American labor. Why aren’t you supporting it to be successful? Why do you want it to fail? I don’t understand very well, ”he said.