Updating vacation, Tarrant County reports 820 new COVID-19 cases, 2 deaths – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

After failing to report new cases or deaths for most of the July 4 holiday weekend, Tarrant County Public Health reports 820 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday along with two deaths and 569 recoveries.

Remember, those numbers represent three days because you know our people have been working all day, and after talking to the manager and he said, ‘You know, we can fire our people on Fridays and Saturdays and I said,’ Wow, go ahead. ” Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley explained

New cases Monday, July 3-5, bring the total number of cases in Tarrant County from March to 14,828. The July 2 cases, totaling 585, were reported on Sunday, July 5.

“I think we will see some pretty high numbers again tomorrow because it will take a couple of days for all the labs to retrieve the records and the test results,” Whitley said. “But I see a lot more people wearing masks, and that’s encouraging for me because until the governor issued the order on Thursday, and I issued it the previous Thursday, we just weren’t seeing people, I asked them and begged them to wear the masks and they just didn’t. ”

After a two-day break in reporting, Tarrant County Public Health has updated its COVID-19 panel to include an additional 585 new cases and three deaths.

The new 7-day average through Monday is 441 cases per day; Last Monday, the 7-day average was 373 new cases per day.

With two new deaths also reported, the number of COVID-19-related deaths in the county now stands at 238. The latest victims include a 70-year-old woman from Arlington and an 80-year-old man from Fort Worth. Both had underlying health conditions.

The county also reports 569 new recoveries for a total of 6,187 survivors. There are currently 8,403 active and known cases in the county.

Of the county cases, 67% of the deceased were over the age of 65. Those between 25 and 44 years old represent the highest percentage of people with COVID-19 with 39%.

As of Wednesday, the county reported: 1,760 hospital beds available and 429 ventilators available; Of the 8,403 active cases, 555 of those people are hospitalized.

A county-wide executive order requiring most people to cover their faces while area businesses went into effect at 6 pm on June 26 and will remain in effect until August 4; Governor Greg Abbott put a similar order into effect at the state level on June 2 for counties with more than 20 cases.

On Thursday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a mandatory face mask ordinance for all counties in the state of Texas that currently have more than 20 COVID-19 cases.
