Unloaded on Trump over Trevor Noah Woodward’s coronavirus confession tape

Trevor Noah said at the top of Wednesday night, “Today was some big news for Trump Daily show. “And I know we say that every day, but this time it’s true.”

Looking back at the onset of the coronavirus epidemic, the host reminded viewers that President Trump confidently claims that Covid-19 is “no big deal” and “basically like the flu.” He later said, “We all learned it was a bullshit.” And now we know that Trump knew he was a “bullshit.”

He was, of course, talking about the revelation of journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, The Bomb Shell. Anger, Including recordings of the president talking about how deadly the virus was in February and confirming that it is actively running its intensity in March, believed to be because it “can’t cause panic.”

“You didn’t want to panic?” Noah asked. “You didn’t want to panic? So what do you want people to die so peacefully in Shena ?! ”
