Trevor Noah said at the top of Wednesday night, “Today was some big news for Trump Daily show. “And I know we say that every day, but this time it’s true.”
Looking back at the onset of the coronavirus epidemic, the host reminded viewers that President Trump confidently claims that Covid-19 is “no big deal” and “basically like the flu.” He later said, “We all learned it was a bullshit.” And now we know that Trump knew he was a “bullshit.”
He was, of course, talking about the revelation of journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, The Bomb Shell. Anger, Including recordings of the president talking about how deadly the virus was in February and confirming that it is actively running its intensity in March, believed to be because it “can’t cause panic.”
“You didn’t want to panic?” Noah asked. “You didn’t want to panic? So what do you want people to die so peacefully in Shena ?! ”
“When Donald J. Trump worries about causing panic?” He continued. “It simply came to our notice then. ‘Cities are burning! The aliens are breaking up! Antifa Mexico’s caravan is cheating Muslim voters! The motto of his campaign is basically, ‘Look behind you!’ ”
Noah gave it that “as a leader, you people should not panic”, but he added, “you also want to inform people so that they can be safe.” He compared it to telling an aviator to “keep quiet” a plane full of passengers, as well as straining for their seat belts and impact. “If Trump were a pilot, it would be like, ‘Look at all the passengers, everything is fine. Seatbelts are for snowflakes and if you want to lengthen your legs, now is the time. see you soon!'”
But mostly the host was confused. “Because at first, I thought Trump was too stupid to understand what’s going on with the virus.” “But it turns out he was really smart about it in private. But he’s also stupid to tell Bob Woodward on tape.”
And before he could move on, Noah rebuked Woodward and other writers like John Bolton and Mary Trump, waiting until they had no books to sell to share such derogatory information about the president. “Imagine if Paul Rever had this attitude,” he said. “Are the British coming?” Find my book by pre-ordering it on Amazon. ‘
After all, Noah said that while some think it’s “good news” that Trump’s “not as dumb as he thought,” the revelations in Woodward’s book are really “terrible news,” because it proves that Trump “knowingly misled people.” Draw. ”
“So once again, today we are reminded that Donald Trump is not concerned about America.” “He takes care of himself.”
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