United States Coronavirus: United States broke its one-day record of new cases at least 9 times in a month

When asked about the possibility of tighter mask regulations across the state, DeSantis said facial coatings have been advised since the state’s first phase of reopening.

“When you live your life and try to open up the country, you are going to come into contact with people and for that reason we know that masks are really important and we should wear them everywhere,” he said. .

Florida’s numbers tend to be alarming, experts say. In Miami-Dade County, intensive care units have approximately 127% capacity, with 398 beds for 507 patients, but the county has the capacity to convert more than 1,200 beds, according to the Agency for Health Care Administration . In the past two weeks, Miami-Dade has seen a 40% increase in the number of hospitalized coronavirus patients and an approximately 64% increase in ventilator use, according to county data.

Of the 9,351 hospitalizations in the state, more than a third are in Miami-Dade and neighboring Broward counties, the AHCA said.

“It really is a time of crisis at (Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami),” Martha Baker, president of a union representing health professionals, told CNN affiliate WFOR. “We’re just there,” I say dancing on the head of a pin, hoping I can keep dancing.

“Fifteen ICU nurses only called sick today, on Jackson Main alone,” she told the affiliate. “They are exhausted. They have been doing this since March.”

Florida now has more than 350,000 cases and 4,982 deaths, according to state data. Other hotspots include Arizona, which reported a record death toll on Saturday, and Louisiana, where the spread of the community across the state, rather than the nursing homes blamed for the first spikes, is making Covid-19 be ” more rampant “than ever Governor Bel Edwards tweeted

At the opposite end of the spectrum, Vermont has gone a month without a coronavirus-related death, and its count remains static at 56 since June 19.

Coronavirus: you asked, we are answering

United States also sets records

Florida is a microcosm of the United States, which is setting a series of heartbreaking milestones, surpassing its own daily record of new coronavirus cases at least nine times in a month.
On Thursday, the country reported its latest single-day record with at least 77,255 new cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The second highest number was reported a day later: 71,558. Saturday’s number: 63,698.
A month earlier, as most states were deepening their reopening plans, The country reported more than 23,700 cases of the virus. After what some saw as hopeful falls in the cases, southern states and other parts of the country warned of An increase in young people who test positive. Images surfaced of crowded beaches and parties, even though experts warned Americans to stay home when possible.
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In recent weeks, hospitals have reached capacity. At least 27 US states have halted or reversed their reopening plans to curb the spread of the virus. Estimates from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Say At least 40% of people who contract the virus cannot show symptoms, which means that thousands of Americans could unknowingly infect others.
Now officials point to crowded gatherings and bars as some of the main drivers of the increase. To avoid new spikes, parts of the country, including Arizona, California, and Texas, have closed the bars again. Local leaders have begun pushing schools to remote instruction in the fall, after protests by terrified parents and educators. Across the country, more mask requirements come into effect, despite constant backlash. Experts have said that face masks are the most powerful weapon against the virus.
With the increase in cases, the models project that more than 150,000 American deaths will be related to the virus before August 8, according to a joint forecast published by the CDC. The previous forecast released on July 9 projected approximately 147,000 deaths by August 1.
At least 140,255 Americans have died from the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University. There have been more than 3.7 million cases in the country.

Texas reports more than 10,000 cases by the fifth day

Similar calls for help came in Texas of healthcare professionals as cases continue to escalate across the state.

“At any given time, if 1.5% of the population had Covid’s disease, that would fill every adult hospital bed in the city, leaving no room for heart attacks and strokes and pregnant women having their babies and accidents and everything else goes on, “said Dr. David Persse of the Houston Department of Health, according to CNN affiliate KPRC.
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Harris County, where Houston is located, has reported more than 54,800 cases of the virus.

For the fifth consecutive day, Texas reported more than 10,000 new cases in one day, according to state data. The 10,158 new cases reported Saturday raise the state’s case count to at least 317,730.

Governor Greg Abbott, who once lobbied for one of the most aggressive reopens, has advocated in recent weeks for the use of face masks to help businesses stay open.

Earlier this month, he issued an executive order requiring county residents with 20 or more active cases to cover their faces in public. The order went into effect on July 3.

Various states reconsidering masks

Texas is not the only state promoting the importance of wearing masks. Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves issued a mask mandate in 13 of the state’s 82 counties and told CNN that he would institute it statewide if he believed it would save lives.

Health agencies did not advise wearing masks at the start of the pandemic, and now they do, “so it’s a complicated process,” said the governor.

These are the states that require masks

“If we do the small things,” Reeves said, “we can make a difference in slowing down the spread of this virus. The best way to do this is to highlight those counties where they are most needed.”

He noted that Los Angeles had a mask mandate and has more cases than Mississippi. The city of California recorded new cases and one-day hospitalizations last week.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is “on the verge” of issuing another order to stay home, he said. Garcetti defended his leadership during the crisis, pointing to the city’s trial initiatives and the mask mandate, but said many factors were beyond his control and pointed to the White House, citing “the lack of national leadership.”

“I think there are people who are just as exhausted. They were sold a list of products. They said this was under control. They said this would end soon, and I think when leaders say that, people react and do the same.” wrong things. They stop distancing themselves. They stop washing their hands. They stop wearing masks, “Garcetti said.

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In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine also failed to comply with a state order, but the state has started a campaign to encourage residents to wear masks. Covid-19 is spreading in bars, churches, informal settings and through outsiders, and is concerned that Ohio may follow the Florida path, he told NBC’s “Meet the Press”. It is important for your constituents to realize that wearing a mask is about protecting everyone, he said.

“You wear the mask to protect your grandmother,” DeWine told NBC. “Orders are obviously important, but getting people to buy and understand: getting a 20-year-old to understand that he or she may feel invulnerable, that nothing will happen to them, but that they can get it. It may not. they know they have it. They can go home and see their grandmother. She might get it, and she could end up dying. “

While some states are loath to make the masks mandatory for all residents, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson says he understands the sentiment but has no choice.

“It is not something I would like to do,” he told ABC, “but it is something that everyone can do to ease the pressure on hospitals, to give us hope to bring down those cases.”

He added: “It is not the first lever we pull, but it is one that when the data says it is necessary, we do it.”

CNN’s Melissa Alonso, Kay Jones, Jamiel Lynch, Gisela Crespo, Rosa Flores, Dan Shepherd, Sheena Jones, Anna Sturla, Nicky Robertson, Lauren Del Valle and Randi Kaye contributed to this report.
