
The world saw a record rise in the number of COVID-19 infections in a week
Most of those infected were detected within a week in five countries: the United States, Brazil, Turkey, India and Russia, the WHO said.
The number of people infected with the coronavirus infection in the world during the last week has increased by more than 4.3 million, which is the highest number since the beginning of the pandemic. This was announced on Tuesday, December 15, by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The last weekly high was recorded between November 16 and 22. Then, four million new cases of COVID-19 were identified in the world.
Almost half of all new cases of coronavirus infection (2 million) occurred in the Americas. Most of those infected were detected in the United States in one week: 1.45 million people. This is 16% more than in the previous week.
The top five countries in terms of weekly growth also included:
Brazil: 300 thousand new infected (more 2% compared to the previous week);
Turkey: 220 thousand people (unchanged from the previous week);
India: 210 thousand people (a decrease of 15%);
Russia: 193 thousand people (an increase of 1%).
During the past week, 75 thousand people were victims of the pandemic in the world. Most of the deaths during this period were recorded in Europe – 34.4 thousand. In Italy, 4.5 thousand of those infected with coronavirus died, in Russia – 3.8 thousand cases. There were also more than 3,000 victims per week in Germany and Great Britain.
The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, began in late December last year. The Chinese city of Wuhan became a hotbed of infection. Over several months, the disease spread to more than 210 countries around the world. On March 11, the WHO declared a coronavirus pandemic.
We will recall that previous scientists reported a new threat to coronavirus patients. In the first ten days after recovering from COVID, people are at increased risk of going back to the hospital bed or even dying.
Scientists were also reported to have named the most “dangerous” location for COVID infection. Homes are a key transmission medium for the coronavirus. Without changing daily behavior, the pandemic cannot be stopped quickly.
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