Vasily Livanov said that Boris Klyuev, who died of cancer, always dreamed of a leading role in a movie –


  1. Vasily Livanov said that Boris Klyuev, who died of cancer, always dreamed of starring in a movie
  2. Star of Russian TV series Voronin dies |
  3. Farewell to Boris Klyuev will take place on September 4 on Maly Theater 360 TV channel
  4. Died star of the series “Voronin” and “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” Boris Klyuev ZN.UA (“Mirror of the week. Ukraine”)
  5. Actor Boris Klyuev, who played Rochefort in the movie “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, died in Russia
  6. See in the Google News app