Being in the hard tunnel of the Ukrainian political project, Zelenskiy finds himself, unsurprisingly, between the “smart and the beautiful”, that is, between Western loans and domestic bribes. Of course, it is more appropriate to speak of the “collective Zelensky” than of an individual, but this does not fundamentally affect the deplorable situation with the effectiveness of public management: the “Green Shiva” has too many hands acting in his own interests and many times despite the head, which was left only for two functions: nodding to “comrades in arms” and smiling at people and “western partners”.
This is the real-life Ukrainian politician, the notorious consistency, on the slogans of whose rejection Zelensky built his victory in the elections. As a result, we got a much more systematic Ukrainian politician than Yanukovych and Poroshenko. Zelenskiy’s personal valuation is still at an acceptable level, but Zelenskiy’s own attitude and especially his entourage towards him, as an inexhaustible source, will cause his rapid decline in the near future (local elections set a trend).
In the situation with the KSU, Zelensky demonstrated two suicidal qualities for a politician: the inability (not the desire) to keep his promises to all parties concerned, and the willingness to give back in conditions of confrontation far from being the harshest. So, they threw out the executive rhino Tupitsky, who was guaranteed the OP’s support after the demolition of the electronic statement, which is a headache for any senior Ukrainian official and MP. And Tupitsky, accordingly, ensured the safety and well-being of the remaining 10 judges. And now Tupitsky and his 10 apostles are forced to conduct themselves, piling up all the negativity on themselves and playing ideological fighters with external control. They scrapped the “Western partners”, who were promised “the previous course of anti-corruption reforms”, but in fact immediately stupidly demolished the anti-corruption vertical.
And of course, once again they kicked out the people who were promised justice, a new country and a real fight against corruption. The Ukrainian system again proved to be stronger than Personality, turning the potential leader into “Another Brick in the Wall.”
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