The Ministry drew attention to the incompetence and ignorance of the company about the specific activities of the Ministry of Strategic Industry

Ministry of Strategic Industry reacted by the statement of “Ukroboronprom”
The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine is surprised by the positioning of the management of the State Corporation “Ukroboronprom” as a political actor and to determine the development of the strategic industry of the state. The Ministry of Strategic Industry wrote about its reaction to SC Ukroboronprom’s statement on its Facebook page.
“The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, which is the central executive body created in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine to form and ensure the implementation of the state’s military-industrial policy, is surprised by the” management “of the leadership of the state enterprise “Ukroboronprom” (a commercial entity) and an attempt to position itself as an exclusive “political actor”, which has the exclusive right to determine the priorities, methods and ways of reforming and developing the super important strategic sector of the state and evaluating state authorities, “the statement said.
The ministry noted that public interference in a sphere that is not the competence of a business entity can only be seen as an attempt to disrupt the implementation of the tasks determined by the President of Ukraine and enshrined in current legislation.
Not considering it appropriate to go into details and comment on the statement published on November 18, 2020 on the website of the Ukroboronprom Group of Companies, it is worth paying attention to the incompetence and ignorance of the authors of the text about the specific activities carried out by the leadership of the Ministry – by the way, together with representatives of the concern and other state and public bodies They may not be aware of the ongoing joint work of representatives of the Ministry of Strategic Industry, committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the concern in recent months, aimed at improving the existing legislative framework, developing new normative legal acts necessary to reform the military-industrial complex. “ministry.
We will recall, earlier, the State Corporation “Ukroboronprom” announced its concern about the reduction of the reform of the country’s defense industrial complex and the interference in its economic activities by the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine. In his statement, he said that he had fulfilled all obligations under current contracts, but for the third month the Ministry has been systematically blocking the reforms of the State Concern Ukroboronprom and the military-industrial complex as a whole.
The statement indicates that the ministry interferes with the activities of the Ukroboronprom Group of Companies in the form of oral instructions, as well as requests and systematic recommendations for the appointment of unauthorized persons as directors of companies involved in the concern. On the other hand, there are insistent demands for the release of Ukroboronprom employees responsible for security, exports, relations with government authorities and transformation.