To receive a new tranche from the IMF, Ukraine must fulfill a series of obligations already assumed. Negotiations on this have already started online. The terms of the new loan include reducing the country’s budget deficit and fighting corruption.
This is stated in the OBOZREVATEL material. Among the main problems: over-inflated 2021 budget deficit (5.5% of GDP). The document reached parliament when it was simply impossible not to vote, because the start of a new fiscal year without an approved budget threatened to exacerbate current problems. But both the experts and the deputies themselves had many questions about the bill. Former acting Economy Minister Pavel Kukhta suggests you can start to review already in January, even at the urgent request of the IMF.
The second problem is the fight against corruption. The IMF believes that the latest decision of the Constitutional Court and all the movements around the NABU also violate the cooperation framework. But on this issue, the Ukrainian government has already met halfway: Parliament adopts laws to replace those that were canceled, and the head of NABU remains in office for now.
Of the framework conditions not fulfilled, there are still judicial reform, which was previously scheduled for this fall, but disappeared from the agenda. The reorganization of staff at the NBU can also become an obstacle, because for the IMF, as well as for all those who finance Ukraine, the independence of the government regulator is a priority issue.
Also among the problematic issues, the economist Oleksiy Kushch highlights the consideration in the Rada a bill on the location of industrial production for state purchases.
Despite all the odds experts trust: the government of Ukraine will manage to reach agreements with the Fund and we will receive the money in March.
As OBOZREVATEL reported: