The drought in Crimea overcame all fears


The drought in Crimea overcame all fears

Photo: RFE / RL

Shallow Ayan Reservoir

In the reservoirs supplying water to Simferopol, the minimum volume of water was maintained.

The drought that hit Crimea overcame all fears: there is very little water left in the reservoirs. This was announced on the air of Radio Crimea by the director of production of the Unitary State Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan Water of Crimea, Igor Danilovich.

“The depth of the drought that affected our Crimea, exceeded all expectations. Here we are the organization that operates these networks, and science, and the entire population of Simferopol, everyone, of course, did not expect the drought to be so much” , said.

According to him, the main sources of water supply for Simferopol are now the Ayanskoye, Simferopol and Partizanskoye reservoirs.

“Today, with the design volume of 36 million of the Simferopol reservoir, there are 4,900 left. Partizanskoye: 34 million of the design remain, 5 million cubic meters remain. And in Ayanskoye, the design volume is 3,900. Only 300 thousand meters remain cubic, “Danilovich said, naming this minimum water volume.

Earlier it was reported that a new water conduit for Simferopol in Crimea was being built. The water commissioning of the Beshterek-Zuysky water pipe is scheduled to be provided in April 2021.

Earlier in Crimea, they announced the start of a water supply project. Water intakes are being built on the Belbek river and the Kadykovsky quarry, and the military is involved in the work.

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