Sergey Palkin / Photo: Football 24
Director General of Shakhtar Sergey palkin spoke about the strategy of the Donetsk club.
– You guessed it with Tete.
– We also did well with Solomon, Marcos Antonio, Maicon, Dodo. Sometimes it takes certain circumstances for a soccer player to reveal himself. There are many of them. Sometimes changes can affect the level of a soccer player at a specific time.
But if you stretch everything in the process, I’m sure everyone will get results. Time will cover all the rough edges that occur. We have a great desire to help you, this is our investment. The coaching staff is doing everything they can to make it work.
We are lucky that Castro knows how to work with young footballers.
Our strategy is simple: we take the young people and take them to the top level. We sent Dodo to his club in Portugal. He spent a season with Castro, he knew him. He played alone, and today Bayern played with him, and other clubs are interested. I think he is one of the first to go for a lot of money.
Previously, Palkin commented on the situation that had arisen with the failed match of the 13th UPL match against Ingulets.