New gas tariffs await Ukrainians: how and what will change


In Ukraine, on April 25, according to the draft resolution of the National Energy and Public Services Commission (NKREKU), all suppliers must publish annual gas rates. However, the rates may be less favorable than in the situation if the annual prices were introduced after the end of the season.

This is stated in the OBOZREVATEL material. According to the coordinator of housing programs “Opora” Tatiana Boyko, such a decision could harm Ukrainians.

Cheap gasoline usually appears on the market closer to summer. If you allow suppliers to post their annual offer not in April, but after the “off” season, the price can be significantly lower.

Opora, together with the Association of Energy Efficient Cities, issued a statement requesting a review of the draft resolution. “Despite the obvious convenience for the consumer, which consists in the predictability of the costs of the service, this solution can lead to an increase in the final price and distortion of competition in the market”, say the experts.

According to Ryabtsev, the price also depends on Will the monthly fee be maintained in the list of services or will the Cabinet of Ministers force all market participants to switch to an annual package? In this case, the price will be difficult to predict, because it is not yet known how it will be calculated.

Interlocutors in the Cabinet of Ministers say: the annual fee will not exceed 6.99 UAH per cubic meter. However, it could be lower, since in summer the price of gas can reach up to 4 hryvnyas.

As OBOZREVATEL reported:
