May 2, 23:36
Moscow is the epicenter of the disease.
The headquarters of the fight against coronavirus in the Russian Federation reports that the number of people who died from the COVID-19 coronavirus in Moscow amounted to 729 people.
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During the last day, 34 people have died in the capital.
Moscow is the epicenter of the spread of the coronavirus in Russia. More than 62 thousand patients were registered in the capital. (with more than 124 thousand in the entire Russian Federation).
Russian doctors noted that the rapid increase in the incidence rate in Moscow is due to the fact that 14 medical centers now process information about infected people instead of one.
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic in Russia, more than 124,000 diseases have been recorded. 1222 people died.
Worldwide, more than 3.4 million people became ill. The number of deaths exceeded 242 thousand.
TOP 10 countries by number of patients with coronovirus. We show how the numbers changed per day: